
Vief Cakes (IG: @vief)

Ask @viefcakes

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Question 2: What's one thing you want to accomplish in life?

To be happy. That's all. That is literally all I want, has been since I was young. (I understand happiness comes and goes and it's hard, but if I could get rid of the extreme downs that would be really nice.)
Oh, and to be a mermaid~

Question 1: If you could give one piece of advice to pass on to the next generation, what would it be?

Do the things that make you happy, but make sure they don't negatively impact on other beings' happiness.
Please keep up the fight for equality!

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Question 2: Are you good at sensing other people's emotions/feelings without the other person having to tell you?

Not always. I'm more of an open book than other people so I appreciate when people are upfront because I won't always go deeper or try to pry because it seems rude. But with those I know, I can tell usually. ?
Liked by: Mei

Question 1: What is your opinion on those who fake having a mental illness? Why do you think they do it? (I mean faking as in actually pretending to have a mental illness)

That's... Why? Why would you do that? I hope the people who do that have really good reasons...

Question 2: Are you a "people person" or do you prefer your own company?

Definitely a people person. 10000%

Question 1: When making decisions do you tend to be impersonal or are you more concerned about the effects of the decisions on other people?

Depends on what decision I'm making but usually I really think about how it impacts others and tend to find it hard to forget that and put myself first. Sometimes it has to happen though!

Do you believe in witches and wizards?

There's nothing to believe, they exist. I used to read up on Wicca when I was younger and made a coven with friends. But I lost interest to be really seriously practising, later on, so, I don't consider myself part of it anymore but I don't have to *believe* haha, they're there!

Post a picture of your favorite outfit!

I can't pick a favourite! Sooo hard! ? So here's my latest one~?✨? I wore Marine King?dom on monday for ~King's Day~ (so clever ?) ✨?
Post a picture of your favorite outfit

Once Upon A Time: If you could create a new fairytale character, what would it be? (It can be a human, animal, anything you want) What would it look like and what would it's name be? Would the character have magic? (Props to anyone who watches Once Upon a Time)

Someone already made them: raymaids
They're magical creatures of the ocean. They are totally awesome. I suppose they are kind-hearted unless you get on their bad side... So don't get on their bad side!
Once Upon A Time If you could create a new fairytale character what would it be

House of Cards: Do you hold grudges or do you usually let things go?

I wish I was like Elsa but anyone who knows me knows that I really can't let go of things easily at all. Sigh. I wish I could!!
House of Cards Do you hold grudges or do you usually let things go

Orphan Black: Are you for or against human cloning? Why?

I am kinda against cloning. I think advanced technology could be useful in the sense that people get sick and whatnot, but I also really like individuality. Just a gut feeling when I start to really think about it. However who hasn't had those moments where they wish they could clone themselves? XD

Shameless: Do you get along with your family? (Ignore if you're uncomfortable with answering)

I do (usually, hehe). ^___^/ I'm blessed to have a pretty cool family I guess!

Grey's Anatomy: Have you ever been in the hospital? Why? Describe the situation. (Ignore if you haven't.)

I was in the hospital when I was born, I was a premature baby. Then when I was a bit older I was in the hospital for my ears. I haven't stayed overnight other than when I was a baby. I've mostly gone for my ears and not all times have been very helpful... Oh well.

I dont know you but you seem to be such a nice and open person with a carrying heart. Be proud of that! Keep going ?

Oh anon thank you so much ;__;
Lately it's been tough for me so thank you ? I really really appreciate it!

I just wonder if you made it clear that what "person 3" said was right. Whatever you did thank you for being so open and honest about your opinion. There aren't a lot people these days who dare to stand up for mental illnes although they should. 2/2

I think kids are open to talk about things, so I will talk to them about things I'm comfortable talking about. They're very curious and it's more interesting to talk about things that actually concern them, than about boring homework and grammar rules. In the end I talked more about how I don't smoke, drink, do drugs than the mental illness, but I still think it's relevant to them. I'm not sure why I shouldn't be honest with kids about things, because I was their age when I figured things out for myself. The personal questions can be a bit overwhelming which is why it's tougher to answer in an appropriate manner... but some things are indeed easier to talk about than others. Some things are hard to comprehend, both as someone trying to explain, and someone listening.
Anyway thanks for your questions! I agree, people should be more open and honest and understanding, thanks for being so nice.

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To the answer that was about depression: did you get in an argument with the students or have you tried to explain your opinion to them? Because I think it's really important for teenagers to know that depression is an ilness and it's nothing to be ashamed of. 1/2

I basically agreed with person 3, the others were like okay yeah, then moved on with conversation about something else. They seem to understand that mental illness is serious but when it's about someone they know, suddenly it's different? But I don't know any of the people, especially not the person talked about, well enough. I felt I couldn't really try and make a point that it's still not something you can truly understand even if you know the person personally.

Question 1: Are you for or against euthanasia? Why? (Euthanasia is physician-assisted suicide. It's basically where a doctor painlessly kills a patient to relieve suffering)

I am for euthanasia, it's heavily regulated so I see no reason why I should be against it. It's legal here and there's lots of good reasons why, but it's not perfect yet because the only time someone can assist is if there is ~unbearable hopelessness~ and some people are done with their life but not completely hopeless. Things could be better, to be honest. But the basic idea is that you should have a say in when your life ends, and if you're fine with it then everybody [including the law] should also be fine with it, if you want to go in a peaceful way.

Are you romantic? Why or why not?

I find this a really tough question, I feel like I am, but I also feel like I'm not.
It depends on the definition of romance I guess. But I'm fairly romantic. Just sometimes romance to me means watching Disney movies and ordering vegan pizza. [that's a lie, that's just normal life for me, nothing romantic about it]

To the answer that was about depression: from where and which school were those kids? ✿✿✿✿✿✿

I don't think it matters, and I think it would be unprofessional of me to name the school. I mentioned it because I wanted to highlight that people who are bystanders will never experience what an individual is going through, so you can't make judgements. That is all, I am normally very open about a lot of things but here it is really irrelevant.

How do you prefer to travel?

✨ "We can't all come and go by bubble!" So, you know, I prefer my rainbow unicorns. ✨
How do you prefer to travel

Friends: What is the longest friendship you've had?

I still have some friendships that started in primary school! That's two decades of friendship! Boom!!
Friends What is the longest friendship youve had

First of all I hope this doesn't offend you but What is your opinion on depression and what do you think is the most helpful "cure" for it.?

First of all, that doesn't offend me, no worries. What offends me is when people think depression is "just being whiny". This is literally something I heard students say this afternoon, about a classmate who's depressed.
Person 1 "She's too depressed, so I don't want her."
Person 2 "She's complaining about nothing, she literally has nothing to feel sad about."
Person 3 "How do you even know that?"
Thank Davey for person number 3, or I would lose faith in 14 year olds. I do not think I can really have "an opinion" on depression. I don't have "an opinion" on when someone breaks their arm. The logical sentiment is "that sucks". Because it does suck. Because depression is very often something you can't do anything about to prevent it, it happens and then you have to work hard to combat it. Maybe 90% of people I know (including myself) is or has struggled with depression and it's not pretty.
The opinion I have is that if it happens to you, seek help. It seems to be the most beneficial thing, short term and long term.
It depends on the type of depression you have of course. But you know this isn't you. And you know things could be better.
Mental health is as important as physical health. I have no real answers about cures because there are many things that lead to depression and many things that can help. I do know this: get sufficient amounts of regular sleep, eat a varied and healthy diet, don't drink (I mean it), stay away from coffee and sugar (rushes and crashes!), eat more bananas and get exercising! These things won't cure anything magically, but they will help keeping some sort of balance. And balance and stability is good.
If you know someone who's depressed, now that's a whole different thing and I have plenty of opinions on relationship-things but let's not get distracted, shall we! Let's stop shaming people who have mental health issues, and focus on getting better. I wish everyone all the best ?

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Do you wear any jewelry?

I'm not allowed to wear jewellery at my food job, but otherwise I do wear some from time to time. Of course most of my piercings count as jewellery, no?
Liked by: Michael Warming

What are you expecting from the new season of "Game of Thrones"?

• Margaery & Sansa sitting in a tree...
• Khaleesi unleashing her dragons, boom!
• Michiel Huijsman getting nekked, basically any regular episode of GoT, right~
• Jon Snow knowing nothing
• Arya being badass
• Dragons, did I say dragons
• And naked people
• Someone slapping Cersei in the face cause she deserves it
What are you expecting from the new season of Game of Thrones


Language: English