
Vief Cakes (IG: @vief)

Ask @viefcakes

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Which three words describe what living in your city is like?

Rotterdam: modern, multicultural, everchanging
Gent: cultural, historical, vree wijs de max
Leeds: industrial, student friendly, YOOOORKSHIIIIIIRE

What is (or was) your favorite class in school?

I thiiiiiink it's a tie between Language Processing and Experimental Pragmatics & Semantics. They were both taught by the same tutor so she can pat herself on the back now ^_~
If you mean secondary school, then English. We did IB and it was a lot of fun! It was definitely my favourite class when there was just 8 of us and we all really connected and enjoyed the class.

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What problems did you have in school?

Secondary school: I failed Physics and Chemistry and had to redo the 5th year because of that [and personal reasons], I changed tracks so I got more languages and creative things, but then I still had a hard freaking time with Maths!
I had trouble motivating myself to do homework, hand things in on time, etc.
Art school: my hardest subjects in Photography were the actual photography classes, sometimes I didn't have any inspiration or opportunity to do what I wanted to do, so it was pretty tough. Art history of the last century was quite hard to get through as well, I much preferred Prehistoric, Medieval and Renaissance art history. Architecture was a draggggg.
Uni: The acoustic bit of Phonetics wasn't my friend. Keeping up with Japanese was quite hard as well, I didn't do as well as I would have liked. I think most of my courses in uni were okay though! Syntax and Syntactic Theory weren't the easiest but I did okay in them. I didn't fail a single class so I'm happy. The toughest was always reading articles & understanding them and for Interactive Linguistics it was transcribing and remembering the correct terms for analysis.
My biggest problems were/are always to make a plan, start on time, keep track of things and HAND. THINGS. IN. I only started to get that at some acceptable level in freaking last year. Time management, and keeping on top of things when not feeling mentally the best ever... those two things were my biggest hurdles.

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Who is the last person you bought a gift for?

Margot because she is going to Canada for a year!!! So I bought her a little goodbye gift ^_^ I hope she has a lovely time in Toronto!!

Hotpants or thong?

I have a better option. It's not safe for work. But it's absolutely safe for my bum.
Are you ready?
[hint: high waisted briefs for the win]

Do you prefer Instavideo or Vine?

If by instavideo you mean videos on instagram then totally that. I've never really got Vine. IG videos are longer, too.

What is one thing you would never wear?

or a meat dress
why would you even think that is a good idea TTT______TTT
or a carcass, like Bear Grylls. just no.

To what extent are you able to forgive someone?

Interesting question. It completely depends. I think over the years, I've been able to soften my really black-and-white thinking of "How ~dare~ you BETRAY me!!! I will never forgive you!!!", and I now have a more "to err is human" attitude. Luckily, I've also been able to realise I'm not without blame either, I try see my own flaws in the situation and that certain opinions are made 'in the heat of the moment' and those can change if you take a step back. As a rule, I'd rather forgive and progress and find a more positive attitude. Hanging around in bitterness is never fun and doesn't help anyone.
However, my willingness to forgive people is still dependent on the situation. What happened, why, etc. And a very very very important aspect is the attitude of the other! If the other doesn't care, then why would I?
Yet, if you put in effort and you show me that you want forgiveness, it's a lot easier.
Sometimes people think others have to 'earn' forgiveness, but the forgiver also has to be able and willing to really forgive, otherwise it's kind of a situation of spite/revenge and not real forgiveness... so forgiving someone even though they haven't 'earned' it might sometimes be more in balance, just be careful you don't let others walk all over you...
The thing is, sometimes you really want to forgive someone/something and move on, but you're not done with it yet. In that case it's harder to forgive them, even though they want to move on and you want to as well, the scars might run deeper and take longer to heal. Sometimes rationality doesn't match up with the 'reality'.
I don't want to give a black and white answer like "I will never forgive someone for X" or "I can always forgive someone with Y" because it's just so different in each situation. So, there's no real answer to this question.

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Which picture the best describes your city?

"Manhattan aan de Maas" & "Kralifornia" - alsof dat niet helemaal andere dingen zijn. SOOOOWWWWWW HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Alles ligt altijd open en alles moet hoogte in en als je langer weg bent dan een dag dan is alles lekker helemaal anders! Behalve Schouwburgplein! Dat blijft lelijk!
[picture: https://www.facebook.com/rotterdammertsbelike]

What do you eat when you are craving for savory snack foods?

Casave crisps, veg crisps, or just grilled root veg, because yessss root veg (っ˘ڡ˘ς)

What's the best comfort food?

vegan pizza
the hearts of your enemies [because 1: hurrah no more enemies and 2: makes you crazy powerful]


Language: English