
Savannah Hardeman

Ask @vansannh

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Out of curiosity how did you find bekahh44 on Instagram (me) hahah and why did you want to follow me? I'm just wondering!!(:

I was trying to find new people to follow because I didn't like my newsfeed and you probably followed @laurawingo and then I just followed the people I thought had good pictures from who followed her if that makes any sense hahaha :)

To be honest with you you're just gorgeous beyond measure... Idk how to explain it you just are lol

Awwww thank you ☺

mira mona eres una creida de mierda comprate una vida y luego unos amigos de verdad , flipada de mierda que te crees que eres perfecta y eso da asco para que lo sepas , que eres penosa

Mira, No sé quién es usted, pero las palabras que acabas de usar no son ni edificante ni edificante Con el único propósito que tengo en este mundo es glorificar a Dios. Entiendo que no soy perfecta, pero nadie está. Así que la próxima vez que decidas me criticar en Ask.Fm, recuerde que sé lo que está diciendo.

U should put it on 1 of my IG pixs haha...then I'll delete it.

Um I don't even know who this is ..

Why don't you talk to me at school no more

You probably shouldn't press ask anonymously if you ask a question like that because I don't know who you are.. haha


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