
Sylvie Valentine

Ask @valentiney_

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Which countries have you visited?

So far; France, Italy, Spain, Russia, Africa, Hongkong, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Germany, China, Korea, Dubai, USA and counting!

What does it mean when a man looks at other women when he is with his girlfriend?

It simply mean you both are being observant #justhumanthings

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What song best describes your day today?

Krewella - Alive. Just did my first ever US flight and spent the layover with awesome like-minded peeps, felt real fulfilleddd and aliveee :D !!
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hows your roster this month?

Its quite a good one! Mostly due to the awesome swap feature , main perks for graduated creww ^^

Kalo terbang kamu pake red lipstick merek apa dgn nama shadenya apa? Thx b4 ?

Suka nyobain yg lain jg tp skrg lbh sering make ini ;Giorgio Armani Lip Maestro

Probably this is such a silly question. But what colour of lipstick that u used on assessment day? Is that red shade?


Wooww saat q/a session ada cut off yg massive. Kira2 menurut mu kenapa mereka kena cut? Really need your opinion so i can prepare myself ?

Yup, don't overprep yourself,tar malah tambah nervous,

Kak beneran 2 tangan? Aku bisa 1 tangan tp kalo 2 tangan itu cuma bisa disentuh jari tengah. Apakah itu ttp bisa kak?

Gw bukan recuriternya, tiap recruiter ada std mrk masing2. Just practice more! gdluck

Knp EK kak?

Kalo cabincrew, EK lsg come to my mindd. I think its the largest and good one in this industry, yes? :D haha sorry might sounds biasedd but its my honest opinii #lebayy

What is your favorite month of the year?

December. Its when the ending feels like the beginning. hahaha no actually, theres always something good each month, its up to us to make it a good one :3 #eaa

You didnt update your blog anymore? :(

I'm mostly on instagram now, I'm trying to occasionally update it now and then but sometimes it gets too busyy ><

Silvi, aku baca blog mu yg assesment day part 1. Is there such a cut off after the q/a session? Apakah saat sesi tsb jg dilakukan penilaian? Kamu mengajukan pertanyaan kah saat itu?

After CV submit, q/a trus cut off. Ini first cut off paling gede, kmrn gw dr 200+ dicut jadi 50. To be honest, its more of creating good first impression, every little details count!

Kak ada tips ga utk pas assessment day? Fgd itu biar ga tegang gmn yaaa

For me personally, coba utk jgn pikirin terlalu over/serius...nyantai aja..overthinking tar malah tambah kacau pikiran

ka ditimbang bb nya atau cm ukur tinggi dan arm reach aja pas tes?

Reach test pas AD, mengenai berat badan asal kan BMI pas aja. goodluck ya :)

Dpt jatah terbang ke indo sebulan brapa kali?

Dapet jatah ato ngak kita bs 'swap' anyway. Tp sampe skrg blm, gpp jg sihh, gw bkn dr jkt, lebih homely di sgp/sydney :)

Apakah saat arm reach menggunakan 2 tangan atau 1 tangan saja? Terimakasih sblumnya:)

kmrn aku 2 tangan, tp ada jg yg blhin 1 tangan, doesnt matter, yg ptg bs reach 212cm, goodluck :D

Ka silvii klo mau jd fa EK hrs s1 ya? Ka silvi betah gak di DXB? Bales ya kaa

Liat di websitenya buat qualifikasinya lbh jelas ya..betah kok, tp lbh suka pas terbang haha :)

oia ka silvi paling sering layover dimana?

Ak prefer new destinations, biar ga ngulang2. Haha. Dan tiap bulan acak destinasinya, tergantung byk faktor. Bisa saling tuker juga destinasinya antar crew ...jadi gak fixed satu tempat :)

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