
The Super Theologian

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In light of all the times Christians are referenced and title themselves as slaves (Doulos) in the NT- how do you explain the context of John 15:15? That He no longer calls us slaves (Doulos) but friends...

In John 15:15 Jesus is referring to the relationship he has with the disciples. There relationship dynamic has changed as Christ is now letting them in on a deeper level regarding what it is he has come to do. This does not by any means diminish His Lordship over the disciples, rather it adds a deeper element to it. Christ calls his followers friend and not slave. However, His followers never neglect to walk in the deepest realities of their relationship to Christ. Yes, they are friends of Jesus but they are also very much slaves as he is their Lord. The person who is most free is the one who is a slave to the perfect master. The disciples did not see "slavery" to Christ as a thing of bondage but of liberation. To be Christ's slave is to be His friend and it is freeing and glorious. This is why the Apostles could see themselves as friends of Christ yet at the same time boast that they were also His slaves...

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I have a friend who is dating a girl who lives an hour away from him. To see one another they have talked to each other parents and he goes to stay with her Friday night through Tuesday morning. They also sleep in the bed with one another. How would you approach this situation?

Are they professing Christians? Do they attend church? is it a healthy church? my Initial thoughts is that I would follow the procedure offered to us in Mathew 18. I would confront them graciously and lovingly about their situation. If they refuse to stop then I would have another person from the church come alongside me. If they still refuse then I would tell it to the elders and then the church. I would have to have more details but my initial thoughts on this is that it is an unacceptable practice to be taking place between two believers and will potentially bring reproach to the Church. It church be dealt with as a church discipline issue. If they are unbelievers than you shouldn't expect anything more from them and you should just call them to repent and believe in the Gospel...

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Do you watch Doctor Who?

I don't. I've heard of it but haven't had the opportunity to watch it. I'm open. Here's your chance to convince The Super Theologian that he should start watching it. Convince me :^)

You seem highly negative

Highly negative? Jesus is Risen, what's there to be negative about. Christ is Lord and his Church is unified! #EternallyPositive

Christmas question: I grew up hearing that the reason the virgin birth was so crucial was because sin (and sin nature) was passed through the generations through the seed (sperm) of man, not the egg of a woman. Therefore by God implanting His seed into Mary via the Holy Spirit (non-sexually of cours

Yeah, I'm familiar with that argument and I honestly find it weird. It demonstrates a poor theological understanding of the nature of sin. It reduces sin to something of a venereal disease rather than a spiritual problem that is tied to the federal headship of Christ. Mary was a virgin because the Bible prophesied she would be and most importantly because it was necessary for the savior to be both God and man. Man had sinned and so man must pay the price. Yet, only someone with a divine nature could bare the Weight of cosmic wrath owed for salvation. If the Christ was born from man and woman than he would be of a complete human nature and would therefore be unable to experience the wrath of God in the law-place of sinful man...he would be one himself. He would also be enslaved to sin thru the federal headship of Adam and would therefore not be able to resist sin but need a savior himself. Christ being born of the Spirit allows Him to have both a divine nature and a human nature and in that be the perfect savior. Hope that helps, grace and peace! Blessed Christmas!!!

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Is the fact that a church met in Prisca (Priscilla) and Aquila's home (Romans 16:3-5 ESV) a valid argument for the ordination of women?

I think it's a terrible argument. Clearly they had enough wealth to actually host a house church. However, just because they were hosts does not mean either of them were the actual pastor. If one of them was a pastor, what on earth would make a person assume it was the wife? Especially when the Bible clearly states the Role of Pastor is reserved for men. Using that argument to defend women ordination is a sign of a person who desires to insert their own bias' into the word of God to promote their own agenda and not God's

How do you celebrate when something great happens?

I dance, I soul clap, I do the electric slide... In the sky. #Boom

Today I tweeted: Friends: Let us not allow angry, rude, & bullying men who bash other godly believers to be leaders in the church. Help sit them down. Some didn't think I should have posted that cause I'm an anon and I'm calling for the removal of leaders and such What are your thoughts about it?

CalvinistBatman’s Profile PhotoCalvinist Batman
Hmm... It doesn't sound like you are calling for the removal of a specific pastor. It sounds to me that you are making a general statement about the need for churches to guard their pulpits from arrogant unchristlike men. Few thoughts related to the specific question you asked. I don't know the person or Full context of the situation and so I'm am simply answering the question you asked-as it is asked.
first, you are a believer and whether your name is known or not, you have the right and even command to speak Biblical Truth and seek the Purity of the church.
Second, you are not speaking with the authority of a Pastor to a congregation but as a Christian to other Christians.
Third, how far do we go with critiquing Christians for stating truth anonymously? Should the Letter to the Hebrews never have been considered for canonicity?
Jeremiah 31:31-34 makes it clear that every Christian knows the Lord and is therefore open to speak biblical truth. Every other Christian is required to give them a hearing out of respect for the fact that every believer (even Twitter Anons) have the Spirit. The New Testament epistles make it even more clear that Christians are accountable to one another. Or we to reject the feedback of another believer simply because we don't know their name?
There are definitely exceptions to this but I would find it odd to hear a Christian say, "Christian, you can't speak out against godless men in the pulpit because people don't your name". That would be very...interesting
I do believe that the Bible never disassociates Christian character from credibility to teach. I believe that so much that I am planning on unveiling my identity shortly. But your statement was one of general concern for the Body of Christ and I don't think that is beyond the bounds of a Christian simply because his name is not known by all who read his tweet.
I'm sure the brother meant well and is probably feeling the tension of an anonymous person offering critique. I can understand that, but it sounds that he kinda jumped the gun on that critique. At least as it is presented. Grace and peace.
FYI: don't know all the details, I am only answering according to the information given

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Liked by: Calvinist Batman

What do you consider the main distinctives of Reformed theology?

Holds to the 5 Solas
Semper Reformanda (always reforming. Tradition is important but scripture is ultimate authority)
The Sovereignty of God in all things (including salvation)
Of course there is much more to it but I think these are core. Also, a person does not have to be a 5 point Calvinist in order to be "Reformed" in my opinion. They will be "Calvinistic" but not necessary a 5 pointer
Liked by: Michael Warming

some of you Anons act like appointed apostles of God for Twitter. Why is that? And what do you to differ from this?

lol @ "Apostle's of Twitter". It's unfortunate that is your perception of the Twitter Anon community. I have never experienced that but it could be true of some or many. I cannot speak for others but I can speak for myself and say the very concept is ludicrous to me. Twitter is a medium of social media that allows people to engage with others in a short and concise way. For me, Twitter is just a place where I am able to have fun running a parody of what a "Super Theologian" would be like. I praise God for the opportunity to answer questions and edify other saints but my stake is in the local church. In the local church I am a sinner in need of Grace and mercy from God and from my fellow members. I am a leader in a local church but I am also a sinner growing in knowledge and Christlikeness by His Grace.
In honesty, your question isn't framed in the most charitable way. I would encourage you to consider whether or not you are being faithful in love. I Corinthians 13:7 says, "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." Are you believing the best of your fellow saints/twitter anons? They aren't just AVIs, most are blood bought heirs with Christ. Are you hoping the best, that maybe your perception is wrong and they are not as you say? I think these would be helpful questions for you to ask yourself as you seek to remove any logs that are in your own eyes before pointing out the twigs in others. Not saying you are a hypocrite but I would encourage you to assess your motivations and heart behind the question. Self-examination is always necessary when we are seeking to point out faults in others.
Thanks for the question. I pray I would never come off that way and if I ever have, it's never been my desire. Grace and peace!
There are certain Anon's I no longer follow because I believe their tweets were not edifying or gracious. I do believe there are certain Anons who as I have read them, truly question if they are believers. Those are few in between and not the majority. Keep in mind that most Anons are playing a character (parody) and if they come off a certain way, it's most likely part of the parody and not how they engage personally. Most of the Anons are just having fun...hopefully in a way that exalts Christ and does not point to self exaltation
Grace and Peace

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What's something every teen should know?

Youth is fleeting and tomorrow is not promised. Today is the day of salvation, harden not your heart. Give all too Christ. Do not give him just your lip service but offer your whole bodies as living sacrifices

What is your dream job?

Wearing a Super Suit, an awesome cape, and flying through the Stratosphere proclaiming the Gospel of Grace. Wait, I'm doing that now! #Win

Directions to resources (lectures, blogs, books) on why you hold EO in higher regard than Rome? As a protestant living in a majority-EO country, this is very counter-intuitive.

Rome has officially endorsed Universalism in Vatican II. They also officially hold to he idea that one is justified by faith and works. The last several Popes have also supported Marian worship. The Vatican also holds that tradition, Scripture, and the Magisterium (Pope) have equal authority over the Church. The Eastern Orthodox Church has not officially supported any of these ideas. I definitely think it has questionable theology in many areas. I would not affirm them as being theologically sound across the board. I know of many Eastern Orthodox churches that are faithful. I know many that are theologically off. Much like western Christianity. I do not place them in the same place I would Roman Catholicism which is outside Historical Christianity. I would not place them in the center either. I would place hem on the outskirts but within Orthodox Christianity. Many of the church fathers held to a Ransom theory of atonement... Don't read too much into what I've said. The issue question as I understood it was is Eastern Orthodox within Christian Orthodoxy. I didn't read the question as, "Is Eastern Orthodox completely theologically sound" :^)

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So would we consider them as brothers in the faith according to their official doctrine?

Yes, the Eastern Orthodox in general is evangelical and orthodox. They are a little weird in some areas as you can see the influence of Eastern Mysticism in some areas of Theology. There rejection of Penal Substitution concerns me but they do preach a crucified Christ dying for the forgiveness of sins. They are not universalists like the official doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church and though they are ritualistic, they are not in general legalists. I would consider them within orthodoxy but there is enough differences between churches that I would have to engage the validity of a Eastern Orthodox person's faith on individual merit.... Much like modern western evangelicalism. :^)

Thoughts on eastern orthodoxy? I have heard little work on that. Considering that is one of the three big "schisms"(Roman Catholicism, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox). There are many works addressing Roman Catholicism in contrast to Protestant but not really with EO.

Eastern Orthodox developed as a resistance to the papal authority asserted by Rome. Centuries ago, the Bishops in the East rejected the idea that the Roman Bishops had greater authority than the other Bishops of the church. They separated themselves. The Eastern Orthodox Church is generally more orthodox than the Roman Catholic Church. Some of their Philosophical Theology works are excellent. Especially in relation to the Trinity. They are evangelical and hold to the Apostle's Creed. Unfortunately, they reject "Penal Substitution and hold to a strong "Ransom Theory" of Atonement. Any other issues be more specific in question :^)

If you were to approach teaching the bible to a group of newly converted, biblically illiterate people, would you lean towards emphasising systematic doctrine or good biblical theology?

Martin Lloyd-Jones called preaching "Logic on Fire". Systematic Theology is the "Logic" and Biblical Theology is the "Fire". For a New Convert to have reasonable faith, to some degree they need both. However, if one needed to be emphasized more it would be Biblical Theology. Too often, Theologians a Systematic Theology that is more grounded in philosophy than scripture. We are commended when we "Reason from the scripture (Bereans)". Therefore, I think having a sound Biblical Theology is more critical as it is the launchpad for other theological disciplines. Great Question!

Did batman bully you into taking a break? Seems like something he would do lol

I've seen Bats without his mask, he's not that intimidating :^)

How ambitious are you?

Ambitious enough to wear tights, a cape, and sport a mini-fro for the glory of God & Kingdom advancement

When are you going to let us know who you are? My worldview teacher is dying to know!

Hahaha! Your worldview teacher wants to know who I am? Why? lol. What school do you go to?
I am pretty much convinced that when I come back from my Twitter break, I will reveal my identity. Here is the issue in a nutshell and I'll explain it more later in detail. My choices are either to keep The Super Theologian within the confines of Twitter or to continue the teaching podcast and reveal my identity. The Bible never disassociates the credibility of teaching from the actual character of the person. If I am going to continue the teaching element of The Super Theologian, it is not only helpful but necessary that My character is known. What if I'm an unfaithful church member? Or do not love and cherish my wife? What good is my teaching?
Therefore, the big issue for is, "do I stop my podcast and just engage in Twitter or do I continue a teaching ministry and reveal my identity so that those hearing my teaching also know I apply them in my life and service to the local church. With that said, If I decide to continue podcasting and ask.fm, I will also decide to reveal my identity. if I don't reveal my identity then I will also stop the podcast and ask.fm. Thad where I'm at now

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