
The Super Theologian

Ask @TTheologian

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What would you say to someone who ate all the m&ms and chocolate chips out of your trail mix?

Well first, what am I doing eating trail mix? That is a snack for children and the elderly. But if I was enjoying some I would probably be gracious and allow them to eat it. I would then follow the command of The Lord and give them my tunic and the rest of the bowl too

How would you teach a new teenager in a youth group about sex in a way that honors the Bible and yet does not get overly explicit?

Difficult question as the answer would very much be determined by the demographics of the youth group. If the youth group is predominately sheltered (rightly so) homeschooled children than I would be very cautious in what I say. If the group is predominately public/private school taught than there are numerous assumptions I can make off bat. Ultimately, here is the thing. The emphasis must be placed on the reality that the nature of sex is Covenantal. Any sexual interaction outside of Covenantal union (marriage) is not only wrong but deadly. By deadly I am referring primarily to spiritually, and emotionally, but also physically when you add STDs but that is the least of my concern and should be for all Christian leaders. Emphasizing physical disease over Spiritual and emotional ramifications is an issue where the church as a whole has failed epically.
I would meet with the teenager personally & seek to find out where they are in their knowledge of sex. My goal is never to inform a teenager of the intricacies related to sexual intimacy. It is always to reel them back from what the world wants to expose them to. I would encourage teens that sex is designed to only be practiced in Covenant. Their call to holiness in sexuality is not to explore the dynamics of sex but to be holy, pure, and content. For them, this would look like not pursuing knowledge but trusting their sexuality to God until it is time for them to enter into the practice in marriage. As Song of Songs 8:4 says, "Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, not to awaken love until the time is right."
So much could be said about this but the biggest issue you will have in youth ministry is that many parents have completely sold their children out to worldly wisdom and they don't even know it. So many Christian parents allow their children to go out on dates when they are 16 years old. This is beyond foolish! To awaken love in a child before they have the capacities to comprehend and discern it, is to deliver your children over to temptation. The very thing Jesus told us to ask the Father not to do (Lord's Prayer)! People are not to begin pursuing love or relationships until they are ready to marry. The worlds approach leads to all kinds of issues. Even if your child remains a virgin, they will be a emotionally promiscuous. The biggest issue is a foundational one concerning what is the Biblical Worldview of relationships and what info do singles need to know about the marriage bed. Informing the youth about sex isn't the issue. It's much deeper than that. The real issue is how do we encourage youth to avoid worldly wisdom and guard themselves from knowledge that does not belong to them in their season, knowledge that would be harmful if known prior to its rightful timing. If you just tackle sex and not worldview, you will talk over their heads and not even speak deeply to porn like porn or masturbation... Broad Qs ask more specific for nuanced answers. Out of space :^)

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You should really check out the Holy Ghost movie. Features many well-known christians as well as secular people. http://holyghost.wpfilm.com/cast/

I find myself very cautious when I hear people talking about being "led by the Spirit". Many times it is something more akin to mysticism than Biblical insight or guidance. I'm also very hesitant on watching Christian films like this just cause usually there is bad theology followed by bad Gospel sharing and there typically a mess. I will definitely consider watching it, thanks for the heads up! A little skeptical but I pray it goes well and provides a Biblically Sound witness

Favorite book of the Bible?

Romans!!! Many of Theologian have spent a lifetime plummeting it's depths yet have never reached its bottom!

Favorite fiction book?

If you haven't read this book, prepare to be amazed with one of the most suspenseful and beautifuly written Novels I have ever read. Simply Amazing. It is called "The Betrayal". It is Historical Fiction and it is a novel about John Calvin. It is told through the eyes of one of his closest confidents yet worst enemies (fictitious character). This book is a must read! All the words of Calvin in the book are taken from his letters, sermons, and other writings. Historically, the book is ridiculously accurate, Prose-simply awesome! Tolle Lege!!!
Pilgrim's Progress would be number one but that's allegory and so not really full fiction. This book is Historical fiction but It's a novel so it gets the prize!

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Favorite writing style?

I'm sorry, I actually don't understand this question, could you rephrase? I like a good prose if that's what you mean :^)

What ministries are you involved in at your church?

I am a lay-leader. I lead a Church Community Group of a couple dozen people. I am also a Counselor who provides counseling to married, engaged, and single saints. I also preach weekly not at church but at partner ministries connected to the church. I also occasionally provide theological counsel to other leaders in the church when needed. My church is led by very capable men and so that is somewhat rare.

What do you think about gifts and ministries of the Spirit? Have you heard of the Holy Ghost movie that's about to be released?

I am what I like to call a "Modified Continuationist" I believe in ongoing Charismatic gifts but I define them differently than say even Grudem. I think Speaking in Tongues is the gift of actually speaking in another foreign but "known" language. I also believe that the Gift of NT prophecy is primarily "forth telling" rather then "Foretelling". Most of OT prophecy is foretelling rather than forth-telling. I believe having this view can be supported through Biblical Theology and also better guards sufficiency. I personally think hard-Cessationism is not a Biblically viable position given the data we have in scripture. I Could say a whole lot more but I'll leave it at that. I am not aware of any movie other than "Jesus Camp". I thought that film was very interesting but sad as adults sought to capitalize on the faith or spirituality of children.

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Favorite sport to play?

I am a big reader, don't really play any sports. Probably Basketball- used to play that a lot

Favorite major league sports team?

Don't really watch Sports and answering this will give away my hometown. Hmm... Actually enjoy Soccer, Basketball is my favorite American derived sport

Favorite veggietales character?

My name is The Super Theologian. Do you really think I would watch that???.... Larry the Cucumber...

Pepperoni or sausage?

Pepperoni all the way. I'll take beef over sausage. Something about the taste of sausage is in appealing to me

Favorite food?

Anything and I mean anything my wife cooks. She could make cardboard taste like Manna. I love Pasta tho!

Favorite music? genre or band

Hmm... Hard Question. I don't listen to much music anymore... It used to be my life (literally). Currently I love Keith and Kristyn Getty. Amazing musicians and really sweet people! Shai Linne is one of the few rap artists I listen to. When it comes to CHH I only listen to the artists I know personally have character to back up music. I listen to all of Lamp Mode Rec. Humble Beast Rec. and Reach Rec. That's pretty much it


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