
The Super Theologian

Ask @TTheologian

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How do we handle heretics now in days? Christians killed them back in the day... We can't do that now can we?

Loaded Question. I think I would first engage with you on the presupposition/assumption you make concerning "Christians killing heretics" We know that the Papacy killed heretics (and Christians) and various magistrates killed heretics (Servetus). But I would challenge the notion that genuine Christians killing heretics happened enough to consider it a trend or worthy of a generalization. I would say we should handle heretics the same way the early church did. We should call it out, pronounce God's curse against them for perverting the Gospel as Paul does in Galatian 1:8-9. We should also continually warn the church against them while also praying for their repentancen as Peter did for Simon the Sorcerer (Acts 8:9-25). Nowhere in Scripture are we ever encouraged to Kill heretics. God has killed them but we are called to pray and seek the salvation of all, even heretics. As a Super-Hero Theologian, I never end a fight without called for the false teacher to repent and believe in the Gospel. That is why I only Laser-Beam false writings and never the false teachers themselves. I have been tempted tho! #Confessions

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Part 2: So most Mexicans & African Americans tend to be associated with the crazy Benny Hinn influenced Charismatic Theology, why is that? How come we don't see more reformed Mexicans & African Americans?

When it comes to the Hispanics... The simple fact is that Benny Hinn and his heretical friends are better and more zealous evangelists than Reformed Christians are. Benny Hinn has tons of people going into Spanish nations and evangelizing. The small young Reformed Community has more men desiring to be the next conference speaker than they are desiring to evangelize the nations. If Reformed saints were more evangelistic we would see the fruits of it. Benny Hinn exists because Reformed Missionaries are few.

So most Mexicans & African Americans tend to be associated with the crazy Benny Hinn influenced Charismatic Theology, why is that? How come we don't see more reformed Mexicans & African Americans?

Check out Thabiti Anyebwile's book "The Decline of African American Theology: From Biblical Faith to cultural captivity. I gave you a link below. In short, I don't think your portrayal is completely accurate. The Hispanic nations are certainly influenced by Benny Hinn but most African Americans would not find him appealing at all. They are more influenced by Pentecostalism specifically over the Charismatic kook-aid of the Benny Hinn type. Therefore, to answer your question, we would actually have to look at the Historical development of pentecostalism and its influence separately from TBN personalities and their influence in the Hispanic nations. In short, Pentecostalism speaks to more to the African American experience, specifically in the area of emotional expressiveness in worship than the typically dry Cessationist church experience does. Also, White Reformed brethren generally desire for greater ethnic diversity in their churches but they seek in in a "Come only on our terms" kind of mentality. They expect Minorities to reject all aspects of their culture and submit their ethnic diversity to the caucasion majority. This is seen Primarily in the areas of music and leadership. I know of only 2 Reformed churches that are predominately white who actually have any minorities in positions of leadership (elders). If Caucasian churches want more ethnic diversity in their churches, they should be willing to be more intentionally broad in their music choices and seek to train up qualified ethnically diverse men to take positions of leadership rather than only other Caucasian brothers. Until this is done, it is the few Reformed ethnic minorities who have to pick up the slack and the harvest is plentiful and laborers a few. One of my Super Powers is keeping it "Super Real". I don't mean any offense but I think the issues I speak about are a reality that no one wants to touch out of fear of sounding prejudice. Race and ethnicity are still a hot topic in the church.

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What job does your altar ego work at?

Why are you asking me this...Who do you work for!?!?
The Reformed community is somewhat small and so I am hesitant to reveal too much about my alter-ego. Let's just say, My alter-ego has either attended or currently attends a very well known Seminary and is provided for by the gracious provisions of the same Lord who has endowed him with Super Theological Powers.... ;^)

Are you from earth or another planet?

Check out my Origin story here ---->https://medium.com/@TTheologian/i-am-the-theologian-9169209a0e93
In short I am from earth and was struck by a glowing meteor on my way to Seminary class an undisclosed amount of years ago ;^)

What is the importance of Apologetics?

Apologetics are extremely important! I do believe they are primarily for the firmer grounding of the believer in their faith but they are also critical in how the church engages in the public square. We are commanded to be ready to give a reason for the faith we have (I Peter 3:15). I think all Christians should study apologetics. Not only for their own faith but to be able to give answers when asked of those outside of the faith. Apologetics are extremely important but it is secondary to the Gospel. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation and no one comes to faith simply by learning a piece of secondary information. Information may however assist the evangelist in removing barriers to the Gospel but apologetics can never do the healing power that the Gospel itself can do. Personally, I love apologetics. Foundationally, I would consider myself a presuppositionalist though I wed all the various schools together in my approach.

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So Arius & Pelagius walk into a bar... Finish the joke.

And they both buy each other another drink...

What are you currently reading through? (Non Biblical book)

1. "What's Best Next" a book on Productivity
2. "Doing Things Right in Matters of the Heart" A book on guarding the heart in singleness (I'm walking some single men and women through it now)
"John Knox" An excellent Historical Novel by Douglas Bond (If you haven't read his Novel "The Betrayal: Life of John Calvin" you are missing out on one of the best Christian Historical fiction books ever written!!!)

What are some good basic resources you recommend for Christians to own? Ex: Study Bible, commentaries, etc...

Great Question! The ESV Study Bible would be helpful for new believers and for those wanting a little more clarity in their Bible reading. However, there are some tremendous Commentaries that are extremely deep & Cheap for those who want greater depths. First off, every Christian should have "Matthew Henry's Commentary set. MH was a Puritan Christian who has written the greatest Devotional Commentary set EVER! You can buy the 6-Volume set for ONLY $29.99 at ChristianBook.com. Any Christian who desires to go deeper in the Scriptures in a way that appeals the mind and heart needs that set! And at $29.99 for 6 volumes why not?? I cannot underestimate the value of Biblical Theology for the Christian. It is SO critical!!! So many Christians base their theology on a few key passages. Biblical Theology requires you to have a comprehensive holistic theology as it engages the entire Bible. The most accessible resources for Biblcal Theology is Thomas Schreiner's "The King and His Beauty". The first book I would recommend to someone who no understanding of the Covenants or Biblical Theology is "Far As The Curse is Found: The Covenant Story of Redemption". It is the most excellent introductory word on Biblical Theology that I've found. Links provided below.
Matthew Henry Set
Schreiner's Biblical Theology
Introductory Work on Biblical Theology and Covenants

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Favorite genre of music?

Modern Hymnody such as Keith and Krystyn Getty. If you do not have everyone of their albums than you should lack assurance of your faith! Just kiddin', But seriously- Examine yourself! My alter ego was a professional rapper before he came to Christ and occasionally still dabbles in Hip-Hop and Spoken Word. I like Christian Hip-Hop but I'm very selective in who I listen to.

What is your favorite finishing move to perform when taking down a heretic?

Ha, well as A Super-Hero Theologian I am not permitted to Mortal Kombat my opponents. I must pray for my enemies. However, when I am debating someone who holds to some form of a false Gospel or false teaching, my favorite apologetic finishing move is to demonstrate to them how their Gospel or false truth is less glorious than the real Truth as revealed in Scripture. Mormons, JWs, Propserity Preachers, Oneness Pentecostalism, regardless of the false system, they are all less glorious than the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and the accurate telling of the Biblical Story of Redemption. If you have a robust Biblical Theology, one of the best things you can do with someone who holds to a false Gospel is narrate for them the accurate Biblical Story of Redemption, and in so doing demonstrate to them that their Theological system is far less beautiful, glorious, and compelling than the Historically Orthodox faith that has been once and for all delivered to the saints!

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When do you leave a Church?

Great and important question. When a saint joins a church they are joining a faith family. Church membership should not be taken lightly by any means. As every family has a crazy uncle, every church church is made up of people who are at various degrees of spiritual maturity. A person should never leave a church because they have been offended by other Christians in their faith family, they should seek to reconcile. A person who leaves a church because of an offense is not really leaving because of an offense. They are leaving because they do not love the Bride of Christ enough to overlook an offense. Here are valid reasons to leave a church.
1. Gospel-less preaching. If a pastor refuses to preach the Gospel, and you have spoken to the pastor about this and he still refuses. You must be careful here. There is a difference between a pastor seeking to preach the Gospel and needing growth in preaching vs. a pastor who refuses to preach the Gospel. The church is not made up of a preacher and you shouldn't leave a church just because the preaching pastor isn't the most gifted Gospel preacher. You should overlook this and continue encouraging him in his growth as a preacher.
2. The Character of the Elders. If the pastors do not pass the qualifications laid out in the Pastoral Epistles and are bringing a reproach to the gospel, you should leave. I am not referring to Gossip but true verifiable character issues.
3. Heresy or sanctioned false teaching. If the leaders of your church are promoting heresy or false teaching you should leave. There is a difference between being ignorant and having a teachable Spirit and being given over to false teaching and teaching others. If your Pastor is a false teacher, leave
4. There are many more reasons but let me conclude with this. If you cannot serve in the body without undermining the convictions of the Elders you should leave. To clarify, if you are part of say an Arminian church but are able to faithfully serve in the body as a Calvinist, you should stay and serve the body and not make Calvinism the Gospel. Even graciously seek to change the Pastors mind through respectful conversations. If however, you have to undermine the Elders in order to serve due to theological distinctions, it is better for you to leave than to cause a church split. Those are some thoughts in a nutshell. Feel free to ask any clarifying Questions, there is a lot of nuance regarding this issue.

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What super power do you have that is not well known?

Super-Powered Grace... Grace is a critical need for any theologian. Especially a Super Theologian. A Theologian without grace is not only a dangerous thing but it is a useless thing. Yeah, a graceless Theologian will be able to refute false doctrine but he will only be able to prove he is write, he will not convince anyone to join him. Truth soaked in Love and grace compels a person to change their mind. Truth alone only makes a person harder

What did you think of MacArthur's Strange Fire Conference?

Johnny Mac has a preoccupation with Charismatics as he has written several books on the issue. I understand his concern and am sympathetic to his zeal in calling out Charismatic excesses. However, like many theologians such as Thomas Schreiner (a Cessationist) pointed out, he painted with too wide a brush. There is a distinction theologically speaking between "Charismatics" and "Continuationists" and to assert that Continuationists are enablers to Charismatics is to say the early church was an enabler to pagan sorcery or the OT prophets were enablers to Necromancers. It is a Non Sequitor argument and Johnny Mac should know better than that! I love and support his ministry! He's a faithful brother!

Favorite sport?

As a Super-Hero Theologian, I spend most of my time fighting false teaching, edifying the church, or studying theology. I haven't had much time for Sports. I'm down for whatever tho! Basketball? Dude, I can fly! Football? Have you seen my Super Speed! Soccer? My Super breath not only helps me preach for days but I never run out of breath on the Soccer field! I'm not really into Sports but I will dominate any one for the Glory of God and to teach others humility!

Thoughts on Ergun Caner?

Interesting question! You win the prize for most random question! I have not read any of his books but I am familiar with the controversies surrounding him. I think Christian integrity is critical for all saints. I think his ministry speaks towards the approach scandal can bring to the church and to what extent many Christians will go to cover up scandal for the sake of having a celebrity in their midst... I can't speak to Indepthly on this due to lack of personal information. He has been on my Super radar tho for some time!

Favorite book of the Bible?

Has a Theologian ever not said Romans? The Book of Romans is a commentary of the Old covenant in light of the New. Men have spent lifetimes searching the depths of its riches. Of course this could be said about every book of the Bible. However, for "The Theologian" I have to settle with Romans and Hebrews as a runner up.

Favorite living theologian?

1. Albert Mohler, his grasp of Historical, Biblical, and Systematic Theology is amazing. His understanding of culture par none.
Steven Wellum is another theologian who has just started writing more. He is a professor at SBTS. No one has a better webbing of Systematic and Biblical theology than Wellum. I believe he is one of the greatest modern Theologians in the world. Check out his book he coauthored with Peter Gentry (Kingdom Through Covenant). It is a scholarly work.

Favorite dead Theologian?

John Calvin an I will tell you why. Most modern Systematic Theologies are written by scholars at their desks. Calvin was a scholar above scholars and yet when you read his "Institutes of The Christian religion", you can tell it was written on his knees... That is the example of a Theologian. We study at our desk but oh we should all write on our knees in prayer!!!

Why are you friends with Arminian Superman? That dude is a heretic!

Unfortunately, most young Calvinists don't really understand Calvinism or Arminianism. This works because most young Arminians don't understand either as well. Arminianism as a theological system is not heresy. Semi-Pelagianism most certainly is & many Arminians end up there. Arminians are wrong on the nature of divine & human will but they are not heretical (A deviant Gospel). Calvinists would serve the church better if they studied Arminianism in its Historical context rather than by the Semi-Pelagian in the pew who calls himself Arminian. Plus...it's Superman!

What is your favorite Bible translation? And Why?

I read 4 translation at the same time for different reasons. I read the Old Testament from the HCSB. It's translation of the OT is excellent but it lacks in NT. I Read ESV primarily for NT and the NASB for Bible study. I read the NKJV when I want to kick back & read bible as good Literature (of course inerrant and with reverence).

Most reformed people seem to be Caucasian, how does it feel to be a minority in that group?

It feels great and sometimes isolating. I believe in one race and it is all fallen and so grace covers offenses. However, I do yearn for more in the AA community to embrace sounder doctrine. I could say more but I'll wait to hear someone ask how being an AA actually affects me as a Theologian

Non Reformed / Non theologian who you really respect?

Faithful Christian saints who do whatever vocation they have been called to for the glory of God. Even if they lack Reformed soteriology, their desire is to please the one who has saved them


Language: English