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Ask @theycallmeshii

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What happened between you two?

I got too busy for a relationship, and I didn't know if I wanted to really break it off or not, and I started getting uncomfortable with pressure from everyone and whatnot. Basically we got into a really big fight after we broke up and I could hardly talk to him for almost a year without wanting to cry. granted, it was both of us at fault, it still hurt like hell.

Worst heartbreak?

um, probably when my boyfriend and I broke up the second time. it was pretty bad and it took me forever to get over it.

What would you grow in your imaginary garden?

nothing bc I hate weeding things so I'm not having any sort of garden. imaginary or real.

Describe your ideal partner.

Someone who's silly, but can be serious when I need him to be. He has to be open minded and have a sense of humor, and he needs to be patient and actually understand the meaning of limits. someone who pushes me to be everything I can be, but also understands when I get stuck sometimes. basically someone who loves me and doesn't really give a shit what anyone thinks. (just described my boyfriend basically)
Liked by: That One Guy

Would you prefer a man who's older, younger, or the same age?

same age, but if they're a little older or a little younger it doesn't bother me.

Thongs or French knickers

(thanks to google I now understand.) the French one probably. thongs aren't THAT comfortable.. 😒

Leggings or white jeans? Which is best?

leggings are cute with some stuff but white jeans can go with anything 👏🏻

Shall we look for love, wait for love or forget totally about it?

tried forgetting it, didn't work. tried looking, fucked me over. Waiting for it seemed to have worked 👌🏻

What are the things you want to avoid in a relationship?

lying, cheating(obv), backstabbing 🙌🏻


Language: English