
Russell Reed - The Webrocker

Ask @TheWebrocker

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Are you ready for the snow tomorrow?

Long as I can make it to FL Roberts for double points day, I'm happy. A little snow won't stop me.

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If you could steal something and get away with it, what would you steal?

Instead, I'll give you a copy of the Bible and show you where it says "THOU SHALT NOT STEAL" -- Exodus 20:15, Deuteronomy 5:19

What future invention are you impatiently waiting for?

A REAL hoverboard, or a flying car for snowy days 🌨❄️

What holiday gift would make you really happy?

Too late for that, btw, the word is CHRISTMAS, get it right or don't say it at all

How do you like to start your morning?

Taking my ADD meds, take a shower, eat breakfast, go on facebook, 💩 like that

Is love complicated? Why?

Of course, but you gotta make it work. There has to be give & take on both end. Even if things may not make sense to you, you gotta love them unconditionally. They're put in your life for a reason.

If you were really hungry, really exhausted, AND really gross, what would you do first — eat, nap, or shower?

Eat, then shower, then nap

I enjoyed listening to your music. I'm Evan & I'm actually a Marketing Strategist and I would love to go over some marketing ideas with you.

Well, if I had a new recording made, or a band to work with, I'd take up these opportunities, but for now it's just ME

If you could time travel, would you go to the future or the past?

Go back, meet Elvis, or tell myself about 10 years ago not to fall for the girls that I fell for


Language: English