
The Titanova

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What's the worst idea you've ever had?

I have had so many awful ideas, but one that sticks out as particularly bad was playing Cookie Clicker and nothing but Cookie Clicker for 24 hours as a charity livestream

How do you deal with the lame haters?

Generally I just shrug it off, click 'ignore' on the comment, get on with my life and cry myself to sleep every night

If you and three friends were on a deserted island, who would be eaten first?

Probably Sam because 1) he wouldn't wanna eat a person and 2) he would feel bad if it was anyone else

I thought that by this time in my life, I'd...

actually I'm a philosophy student this chronic and pointless meandering is basically our expected career path

oh we doing tier lists now? town of salem tier list!

First off, this tier list is REALLY hard to make because it varies so much depending on player skill level and role list etc. In fact I think it's impossible to judge without knowing these things. Best I can do is my personal enjoyment tier list. You'll notice I tend to favour town roles the most. But yeah, here we go:
S tier, a.k.a 'info finders'
1) Lookout
2) Spy
3) Jailor
4) Consigliere
5) Investigator
A tier:
6) Transporter
7) Amnesiac, and I have no idea why amnesiac, but amnesiac.
8) Executioner
9) Bodyguard
B tier:
10) Escort
11) Sheriff
12) Retributionist
13) Vigilante
14) Vampire Hunter
15) Survivor (I know I'm weird)
16) Godfather
C tier:
17) Werewolf
18) Mayor
19) Veteran
20) Doctor
21) Consort
22) Witch
23) Jester
D tier:
24) Mafioso
25) Janitor
26) Serial Killer
27) Consort
28) Forger
E tier:
29) Blackmailer
30) Disguiser-if-there-is-a-forger-or-janitor-on-the-team
31) Arsonist
32) Framer
F tier:
33) Disguiser-if-there-is-no-forger-or-framer
Awful awful they're so God damn awful and I hate them so god damn much and want them out of the game so badly tier:
34) Vampires

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whats your darkest dungeon tier list?

I assume you mean hero classes? Okay let's go. Fyi I am going to measure on ALL of their uses, not just combat, or else antiquarian is doomed to F tier. I tried writing out explanations but ask.fm said I hit a character limit so IN SHORT:
S tier:
1) Hellion
2) Houndmaster
A tier:
3) Occultist
4) Grave Robber
5) Bounty Hunter
B tier:
6) Arbalest
7) Highwayman
8) Man-At-Arms
9) Vestal
C tier:
10) Plague Doctor
D tier:
11) Antiquarian
E tier:
12) Leper
13) Jester
F tier:
14) Abomination
15) Crusader
Balance changes: make Antiquarian's inventory thing better. Atm she increases stack size of GOLD by 33%. Just make that apply to all inventory stuff and then she's validated.
I feel like all abomination needs to plonk him in C tier is a skill that does conventional damage when in human form, ideally replacing Manacles.
Leper's accuracy issue is too much for how little they get out of it in terms of damage. Either make the reward bigger or the risk less IMO
Jester's only issue is that 3 of his skills move him, yet he himself does not really want to move. And you can't do much nuance with his moving skills as one of them is 'all the damn way forward' and another is 'all the damn way backward'. Jester is actually one of my favs but he sucks. Make his skills not move him and he becomes much better. Dirk stab and solo and finale are all hard to use just because of the movement. ALTERNATIVELY give jester a skill that is like 'return party to their positions at the start of combat'
As for crusader I literally dunno what to do except overhaul them. My opinion may change when I experiment with bulwark of faith but they just seem to be a bad class.
Leave the B tier and upwards unchanged, they all feel good and it's impossible to be 100% balanced. Maybe make PD's incision a little better, as a lack of a good single damage move is really all that's holding him back.
Also yes I rank antiquarian high, her camping skills are amazing and also I use money a LOT. I love banishing bad quirks/reinforcing good ones/buying trinkets

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Best game of 2016 so far?

I haven't played a tonne of 2016 games! In fact I've only played 3, Pony Island, Firewatch and Darkest Dungeon. DD is the one I'm enjoying the most, and is NEARLY in my top 25 games of all time (I may move it up later). I think its sound design is great, it looks bloody beautiful (and also just plain bloody) and it's fabulously challenging and between picking 4 out of your 7 skills for each of your 4 out of 15 types of heroes who can have 5 out of a total 66 positive quirks and 5 of a total 77 negative quirks, mixing and matching 2 trinkets that are either class-specific or generic, you get plenty of stuff to experiment with. It creates atmosphere so damn well. It's just got that "I am just enjoying having my time spent in this game" feel to it

Lets play a game of snog, marry, kill! AgentWhite, Pieced Pagan and Darella74

Marry AgentWhite, this is the first thing. Marriage is a long commitment and I am kinda easily irritable, and for all their quirks Darella and PP are both loud at times and sometimes I just don't want that. Like for marriage I think the strat is not "whose good side do you like the most" it's "whose bad side do you tolerate the best" and that's Sam I think. That's possibly a selfish pick because I think the reverse is not true, but OH WELL.
The last two makes for a TOUGH choice. Like marriage took less than a second to figure, this is a little tougher. It's also a game I don't like playing. There's like arguments to both sides. I've known PP for like a decade more than Darella, but on the other hand I know not one but two people who Darella has dated and I think their reaction would wrack me with more guilt. PP is gay and Darella is so that doesn't help me decide. It's like really even. I'd probably toss a coin?
Or if you want a quick answer, kill Darella and snog PP because I've never snogged a guy and in something this even that is literally the decider

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Can there be friendship between a man and a woman?

No, as everyone knows women just want to lay eggs in your brain. WTF KIND OF QUESTION IS THIS

how come you've been off for a few days? ive missed you daddy

Okay, let's start from the top. Tuesday.
I normally miss Tuesdays because my nephew's normally over and I babysit. This Tuesday was no different.
WEDNESDAY I got a new job and had to attend training in the evening. I'll be working evenings too, so it's messed with my stream schedule but that's okay, I can rejig things around.
Thursday I actually found out my Aunt died. It was very sudden and unexpected and to be honest I wasn't feeling up to it. I was very ready for the possibility of me going up to see my family but also it touched a nerve with me. Not only did I love her as my aunt, but also I lost my Dad a few years ago and now my cousins are going through the same thing. I don't think I'd have been my best self. I didn't ever plan to stay away forever, just a few days while it was raw.
TL;DR life stuff, and I love you homies <3

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favorite internet moment?

I'm not counting the charity stuff I've done, coz that just auto-wins so many things.
It's a choice of two. ONE was when I was a yugioh youtuber with <200 subscribers, but when playing devpro I happened to run into someone who recognised me. The OTHER was when I lit up the morrowind subreddit with this http://imgur.com/gallery/RC7kB/new for which I even got written about on kotaku http://kotaku.com/morrowind-as-told-by-facebook-posts-1754911862
Other top moments: Bob Ross coming to twitch, the kickstarter for potato salad and every video that Goldvision has ever made

What’s the first thing you’d do if you were the opposite sex for one day?

Be oppressed. This is both my haha-isn't-he-so-satirical-answer but also my Jesus-Christ-humanity-get-it-together answer

If you could leave tomorrow with a one-way ticket, where would you go?

Sadrith Mora. What, you didn't say it had to be real
If you could leave tomorrow with a oneway ticket where would you go


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