
The Titanova

Ask @TheTitanova

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what is your favorite comic?

I am not a comic person, if we're talking webcomics I think Achewood and A Softer World are pretty tough to beat though

why don't you stream more with other people?

I stream with other people a fair bit! I have Yuki on a fair bit of what I do, and 3 other friends (PiercedPagan/AgentSDWhite/Trainstation) have made semi-regular appearances!
If you meant with non-friend-people, this is gonna get a little technical and dorky
If you mean why don't I stream with fans or whatever, they tend to have bad mics or awful senses of humour or something else which is an issue. I think as a streamer you're kinda responsible for whatever you're broadcasting and I think audio quality is not important and I am super wary of the things other people might say. Like I've done it a few times, including semi-recently (few months ago?) and generally people do not have the right chemistry or different tastes in humour, and I am not great at adapting myself to a radically different 'style' to me? And like the standout here is Train because we met as someone who just liked the yugioh content I made and then we spoke more and now he's like a pal of mine, and sometimes his opinions are slightly barbed but it's never anything too terrible. And what he brings to the table is a very good audio presence, he won't trample all over you if you're like hosting or whatever which is a tough skill he just naturally has, he's hella funny but also like we have similar tastes of humour. I think chemistry is a real thing in things like that and I just get on better with Train. I don't know if it's because we're both English or whatever. It sucks a little, I need to get better at adapting to other people's styles because that's how you become more inclusive as a streamer I think. Get people from different countries and lifestyles and presenting styles and gender identities and all that good stuff involved.
Sorry if that is like way more technical than you were expecting? I actually take streaming way more seriously than I ever let on lol

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If you were a pokemon, which pokemon would you be?

I feel like I'd be a psychic type, what with philosophy and stuff. And I'm quite into technology. So psychic/steel makes a lot of sense. But I am not SUPER knowledgeable about either, so I'm going to say Metang (Beldums are the men's rights activists who know how to make sockpuppet accounts)

Got any advice for starting on twitch?

Yes. I'll keep it to 10 points.
1) Keep a list of general things that you find to work and are good. Methodical. Refer to this list when you think things are getting out of hand (I find this helpful for all things in life. For reference my twitch list has 50 things on it, I won't be able to list all 50 due to character limit >_< )
2) Twitch is far more about the community you foster than the content you make. People want a social interaction as much as they do good content. If you want to focus on content, produced, edited stuff like youtube might be your thing. Recognise all of the responsibilities that come with being a community leader, even if you're a small/tiny streamer.
3) Have a good mic. It's so important.
4) Stop the stream once you stop enjoying it (outside of special commitments like charity marathons etc).
5) Fame and money are terrible reasons for getting into twitch/anything similar and if that's your goal fucking stop. Even quite 'big' streamers earn quite a bit more money from doing fewer hours at a simpler job. If you are someone who thinks that these are 'among' your goals but not the central one, repeatedly re-evaluate yourself to make sure that this is true. You are going to be so transparent if that's all you want.
6) You never 'owe' any of your viewers anything, be it a mod-ship, or a reason that you timed them out. It is courteous of YOU if you explain timeouts/bans etc but nobody's entitled to that explanation.
7) Find a balance between 'listening to what people want' and 'standing up for yourself'. Neither can be practised in absolution, twitch is about finding a balance. Sometimes that means things you might not like/agree with. Lots of people 'give themselves away' when they are new to twitch, letting people break their rules, doing only what the viewers want, making everyone a mod etc. Do not do this, it sets a bad precedent.
8) If you don't set goals, you might not ever go anywhere. They don't have to be public, but always have at least one thing you are working towards, think about how you can actively achieve this, ponder upon it. Make it specific, not something vague and shit like 'be better'.
9) A welcoming community trumps a snooty, passive-aggressive one. If people want to socialise with awful people, they'll be on 4chan or 8chan or somewhere else with anonymity to hide their cowardly words behind. People are more likely to stay if your chat has good folks in it.
10) Have thick skin. Lots of people will hate you, you will get lots of criticism, and lots of pure hatred, as is the nature of the internet and the power of anonymity. Being a public figure is not for the faint of heart. If you have self-esteem issues, going into something like this could very possibly be a great danger to that self-esteem. And laughing it off is not the answer, as an over-reliance on that leads to someone who doesn't really engage with people who disagree with them. Being a public figure, even to a tiny audience can be hard.

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why are your ask.fm questions so different?

I like to imagine it's just two people with completely different lifestyles and ideologies obsessing over me

why are you defending a pedophile?

Assuming this is about the Sarah Nyberg/gamergate stuff, I'm not. Little breakdown real quick:
Defending an action means accepting the premise (e.g that Sarah Nyberg is a paedophile) is true, and trying to justify it.
That is not what I, nor anyone else critical of GG is doing. It's a refutation of the argument, a denial of hitpieces and a resistance to shoddy evidence that has been recently edited. It has since been discovered that Milo clearly does not vet his sources re: the whole Joshua Goldberg issue, which is enough to not take him seriously as a journalist. His repeated insistence, as well as the repeated insistence of you any any other gamergator is just showing that you're refusing to listen to the side of the argument that's opposing your own. Repeatedly saying "why are you defending a pedophile?" as well as celebrating people who resort to this shock-tactic is just showing that you're not interested in discourse and you're just trying to smear people, like Milo himself. Congratulations on letting Milo use you and your 'movement' to bolster his career though.

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Do you think you're a good friend?

Honestly I don't know. I am definitely getting better, but I think only in the last few years have I started hitting a standard of 'good'. Having said that, I am still notoriously awful at initiating contact with people. Like if people don't get in touch with me first, I don't speak to them. And it's not a sign of dislike, it's really not. Straight up one of my best friends I've ever had, we stopped being friends just because we stopped talking. I still think crazy highly of her and respect her etc, just no contact. So in that sense I am not a good friend. However I don't think I do LOTS that is 'bad' per se (Can definitely name some things but who can't?). I try to be aware of my shortcomings and this is like a massive year of self-improvement for me so I'm working on it

how do you deal with depression?

A few clarifications. 1) I am not a professional and 2) it is an unhealthy attitude that will likely lead to you damaging yourself to try to reach out to internet entertainers anonymously. I'd also like to clarify that while I have had 'down periods' in my life, on reflection, I don't think I have ever dealt with true depression as a mental illness, simply 'black periods'.
I am sorry for what you're going through, sincerely. That won't mean much coming from me. Here's some things that might be worth noting;
1) Depression does not have a cause. This has multiple implications, one that you should not be asking yourself what right you have to be depressed. It is not about you have a right, everyone is entitled to feel how they feel. Don't let anyone tell you that you 'ought' to feel in a different way. Depression not having a cause also means that you do not need to blame yourself for being 'broken' or 'damaged'.
2) Everyone has different capacities and tolerances of pain and suffering and anguish which they can handle. What this means is that while you already shouldn't feel like you 'ought' to feel a certain way/certain set of emotions, you DEFINITELY should not feel like you have no right to talk about what is happening to you just because people you know (or indeed, people you don't know) have it 'worse'. You always have a right to talk about what is going on with you, and if your friends/family do not make you feel like that there are a number of services you can call. I especially recommend 'the Samaritans' if you are UK-based (I mention this as I know a number of people who follow me are UK-based) because they are completely confidential.
3) Even if other people DID have it objectively 'worse' than you (I put 'worse' in quotation marks because lives can't be measured, they're all unique, thus you can't draw a straight comparison) that does not mean you have no right to speak at all. Everyone needs a break sometimes.
4) Do not feel like it is a 'weak' thing to do to reach out for help. It is one of the most brave things you can do, to reach out to someone and say "hey, I am not feeling great. Can we talk?" It takes tremendous courage to admit to your own struggles, to face your demons. That's why it's so hard to do so. And don't interpret that to mean that it's 'cowardly' to hide, it's not, nobody can judge you as doing wrong on the course of action which you take on such a personal matter.
5) Depression is a serious battle, and reminding yourself how difficult it is and how well you're doing is important. It might sound cheesy. Hell, it might actually BE cheesy. But it's true. Don't let yourself belittle your own struggles by saying it's stupid or minor or not worth listening to. Any effort you make is fantastic and is something to be proud of.
I have much more to say on this subject. You can add me on skype @ TheTitanova if you need someone to talk to. Unfortunately I've hit the 3000 char limit. If you want more anonymously, pls ask

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I've got no response to this, I just wanted to show the world that people spend their time typing this anonymously lol

are you a sjw

Yes, proudly. If you're the sort of person who thinks that's an insult, hit unfollow and unsubscribe and all of that rather than obsess over it <3

Why are you so dank? How do you keep your meme game so strong?

I do plenty of push-ups and sit-ups and drink plenty of dews ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

who's you favorite wrestler and why is it john cena

Memes aside, it actually might be Cena.
Reason 1) this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1VgXrLYFtwTheTitanova’s Video 132634548636 A1VgXrLYFtwTheTitanova’s Video 132634548636 A1VgXrLYFtw
Reason 2) the guy has granted over 500 wishes for the make-a-wish foundation and even though I dislike actual wrestling and even if I didn't I find him especially un-entertaining, the guy clearly cares and that means a great deal.
I guess this means I am a John Cena fan, but not a John Cena fan-fan?

You said PPMD would win evo, and Leffen might beat him! Ha, Leffen did even worse than PPMD did!

I said he 'might'? As I recall, I said PPMD would probably win, Armada or Leffen might beat him. Armada won, PPMD got third. As for hbox, honestly I'm happy for the guy. I am definitely in team hbox over team mango

How's life?

HAAAAARD for lots of reasons, a fair number of which relate to people who follow me on twitter and/or are known to my followers and I don't want to incriminate them or bring them up because that's gross. Like if they want to go public with stuff that's fine but I think it's out of order to force someone else's issues/your issues with someone else into the limelight. So I won't go into that. As for stuff I can talk about, I'm losing weight (4 stone so far and going strong), I'm going to learn to drive soon, I'm applying to volunteer with a mental health charity, I'm loving Twitch, making new friends, and dealing with residual issues between me and both my ex-girlfriends (totally separate issues, just both happened to come up at the same time). That last one in particular is exhausting coz God damn one of those people was basically at the centre of my life for years and years and even after a few years of not talking they seem to know me better than anyone I've met since and it's alarming & disarming. But I can't ignore it because of personal reasons relating to both of us that I'm not sharing for her sake.
But at the same time I'm making real strides to improve myself as a person so it's alright. I am excited to improve myself.

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Thoughts on the gun mettle update?

Kinda wish there were totally-for-fun-contracts when your actual ones are done but otherwise really love it. I own a bunch of the cosmetic reskins because I'm a sucker, I love it making me do things I normally don't do (who knew the shotgun was actually good? Not me)

why do you keep not uploading?

1) never rely on me, I'll only break your heart </3
2) It's honestly the final steps of videos that I struggle to motivate myself to do. Descriptions, tagging, thumbnails, annotations etc. The hard work of video making is easy, the easy monkey-level work is so dull it's actually really tough to make myself do it
3) I am basically making a full migration to Twitch so you're more likely to see me stream than upload videos. My youtube will still exist but as like a highlights reel and all sorts of things like that


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