
kelsey rae

Ask @thepingpongsong

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What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?

to absolutely not give a shit what others think. life is too short to be living under other people's standards. live under your own.

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What great quote would you like to share?

"trust in the bright future even if you can't see it" - a thing Alex Caplow told me after a lil bit of talking abt hard times

Name a girl you know who would not care about crushing people as a giant and why

probably Barbara dunkelman tbh

What makes life worth living?

•making people smile
•good food
•late night drives
•listening to aesthetically pleasing music with bae at 1 am at the park
•waking up early naturally
•watching the sunrise/sunset
•getting a good grade on a test
•meeting your fav bands
•seeing a band you've been wanting to see for years and years
•riding the penny boards at academy
•going geocaching
•road trips
•telling people you luv them
•going to the animal shelter with bae
•Mac n cheese
•hot baths listening to Halsey and Børns
•Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph tbh
•playing a song u luv on the ukulele
•giving dogs baths
•taking care of a pet/plants
•long walks w bae
•long runs on a stressful day
•little things people do for u
•seriously ppl do the tiniest things that they don't even realize make me so so so super duper happy
•perfect cups of coffee
•making pancakes
•waking up early to have breakfast with the ppl I care abt
•watching dumb movies w bae
•late night deep talks
•cuddling with blankets
•my cats when they like to cuddle
•photoshopping irrelevant celebrities faces onto animals bodies
•there's so many things that make life worth living and you have to step back to just realize it

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Who is the funniest comedian?

I don't really know of a lot of comedians but Bo Burnham is my fav ever

How do you celebrate when something great happens?

I squeal and even get tears in my eyes and I get hella hype

What is your favorite summer song?

Love Is Easy by the Mowgli's! Or Polarize by twenty one pilots. Or Holy by PVRIS. or Fog by Yellow Ostrich. idk. too many good ones

Do you have phobias?

I can't stand spiders. those fkn things are my worst god damn enemy. I also hate just any type of bug tbh.

What is the formula of happiness?

letting yourself go + realizing you don't deserve bullshit in your life + finding someone (whether it be a family member, boyfriend/girlfriend, best friend) who will stay with you through anything + literally not giving one hek about what others think about you

What do you think is the greatest problem facing the teenagers of today?

education. we need sex ed, and the board needs to listen to scientists when they say school needs to start later. we have so many ideas on making school better but nobody is doing anything about it

Can't you even somersault or cartwheel

cartwheels, handstands, headstands, i can land a front flip on a trampoline but if i do a backflip im horrified i might break my neck (which almost happened once)

What gymnastic moves can you do

not really a gymnastics person but i can do a few hard yoga moves i guess

What sports do you like

i don't watch sports usually but i like to run and play volleyball???? idk jumping around at concerts is my workout honestly

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