
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Kak anna apa beza A and THE. Saya tak faham. Dah google tapi still tak faham. :/

A macam general atau umum.
The untuk specific thing.
1) She has an apple. (Dia ada sebiji epal)
2) She gives the apple to her brother. (Dia bagi epal tersebut kepada abangnya)
Liked by: Lyaa

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saya follower anna yg ke 35980 :)

Thank you for following.
It means a lot! I'm sorry for the uninteresting and boring tweets. :)

akak haritu saya tengok nak ask anon tk boleh. hari ni boleh pulak :/

Bila inbox saya full sangat sampai tak terjawab, saya akan disable ask as anonymous.
So saya boleh habiskan soalan dalam inbox dulu. :)

4 fakta menarik tentang awak :) awak awak awak awak awak awak awak awak awak awak awak awak awak awak awak 1.awak terlalu malas baca semua perkataan 'awak' di atas. 2.awak tak perasan saya ada tulis awek. 3.awak terus cari perkataan awek,sebenarnya takde pon. 4.awak dah terkena! :D

Thank you so much!! You just made my day! :)<3

Bila kita akan guna perkataan isn't? Boleh bagi contoh. :) Thanks btw.

Isn't stands for 'is not'.
Is not maksudnya bukan.
Contoh, she is not a teacher.
Dia bukan seorang guru.
Get it? :)
Liked by: theslap25

Kenapa ada `khayalan`. Sedangkan nama ainaa sedap. o.O

This is a social network.
Rasanya it would be better to use a nickname instead of your real name.

Kak Ana, awak tak reply pun soalan saya. Buat penat je luahkan hati :(

Sayang, I'm so sorry.
Saya tak online all the time. I've been a little busy these days.
Please understand. I'll answer your question, I need you to be patient. :)

Assalamualaikum Akak Anna :). Hope you are having a wonderful day. well I'm really insecure about my dark skin and I have been teased about it a lot. I don't want it to continue next year. Do you know any tips for face/skin whitening and taking care of our face?

Waalaikumussalam. Well, if your skin is originally dark then nothing would help to whiten your face. But I heard lemon juice works for skin whitening as well. You might want to try natural method. Because it always works.
And I know how insecure you feel about yourself, your skin and all. But you know, they tease you because of your insecure feeling. It makes you look weak. You need to be more positive and believe in yourself. You're a beautiful. You don't have to own a fairer skin to be and feel beautiful. The confident and the smile come from the inside. If you're being positive and confident then nothing can bring you down. People talk, people tease, it's society. No one can resist that. Just be positive, ignore what people say because you're beautiful. Believe that. :)

Sy tunggu dia text. I do text first. Dia reply lambat. And our conversation was so damn boring since dia reply sepatah sepatah. I felt unwanted and pathetic. Tapi sy nak text ngan dia je. Sy taknak text org lain sebab taknak gaduh and whatever even dia taktau pun camne sy jaga my loyalty. It sucks.

Then maybe you should talk about it?
I mean, tanya if he wants to text you or not. Just tell him what you feel, unwanted and pathetic. Let him know how he makes you feel. Settle things up and fix it. Make him understand sebab to make a relationship works, dua dua kena make effort not just one person. :)

Assalamualaikum Akak.Next year, I will be in Form 1.Can you give me some advice on how to survive Secondary School? Btw, I may be going to a boarding school. Could you give me advice on that too? :) I'm a little scared but really excited...

Waalaikumussalam. To survive in secondary school, you just need to keep your profile low. Don't be in groups, be friends with everyone. Smile to everyone and mind your own business. Stay out of trouble and respect everyone. In your new school, you'll be staying in hostel aren't you? Find a bestfriend that you can stick with all year long. And remember, you're there to study so stick with that. Love and relationships are the last things to worry about. Good luck! I'm sure you'll be fine. :)


Language: English