
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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ohh, it's okay. i hope i'll find the way to contact with you everyday, and getting to know each other :)

Aw, that'd be great! :)

tak faham la apa maksud CC T.T

Carbon copy (used as an indication that a duplicate has been or should be sent to another person).
I took that from google.

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boy, malaysian

I don't skype with boys (who are strangers).
Sorry....... Unless I know you then we can skype, haha I'm scared.

CC tu apa? :)

Kalau dekat twitter, orang akan cc bila there's something related to you.
Contoh, siapa ada ask.fm? And your friend cc you sebab you have an ask.fm account.
Faham? :)

lisa surihani and nora danish. Siapa lagi cantik di mata you? Pick one je :D

I love both but I have to go with Nora Danish, she's just so cute!!<3
Liked by: Eikyn


Language: English