
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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lagi selesa kawan dengan perempuan ke lelaki? why?

Lelaki cause I don't have sisters so I don't know how to approach girls, or be friends with them. When I grew up pun I hung out with my brothers' friends all the time. I still hang out with them too! 😂
Most of my girlfriends, well they befriend with me for some stupid reasons. I hate it. I hate it when people betray me and take advantages on my kindness just because they know I'm kind. So i stop making new friends and stick to the ones I already have. I don't mind not having many friends tho, girlfriends and all cause I have my brothers and my parents. They're my friends and that's enough.

salam kak anna.. im 16 years old.. the problem is saya slalu tukar skincare utk hasil yg baik . tpi mostly skincare yang saya pkai x brapa brkesan n sometime my face become oily and acne . for your opinion , better teenager mcm saya pkai supplement khas utk remaja ataupun just pkai skincare biasa je

It's a normal thing to experience skin problems at your age. I'd experienced worse with acne. Don't constantly change your skincare products, it'd harm your skin somehow. Stick with natural products, please stay away from the local products with creams and all. Most of them are harsh and harmful to your skin due to their ingredients.

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Kak Anna, kalau akak jadi pelajar SPM tahun ni then dapat result SPM yang kurang memuaskan... akk sanggup tk nak repeat SPM balik? Akak tak malu ke kalau nak repeat balik?

Whew, what a question...
Actually, no. Why would I waste my time repeating an exam?
You were given 2 years to prepare for spm. What were you doing? Playing around? Time is precious. We often waste it aimlessly.
When it comes to something important, it becomes a responsibility. Everyone has different ways of handling them & facing them. It's all up to the individuals themselves.
Why would you take an exam if you're planning to repeat it? It's not as simple as you think. It's not like, "takpe kalau fail aku boleh repeat lagi."
If that's the type of mindset that you have, you need to fix it because you're not going anywhere with it.
Learn to take responsibilities and start seeing everything seriously. If your result is not satisfying, don't blame other people for it. That's the result that you have to live with. It's the proof of your work (whether you work hard or not)

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In your humble opinion, apa yang membezakan sombong dan optimis? :)

Obviously those two are very different, aren't they?
From my point of view; a cliché one.
Sombong is when you think you're the best. Ego tinggi sangat, you look down on others, refuse to ask for help or receive help or anything. Thinking that you're able to do it all by yourself when you know you can't. It's highly related to ego. I think everyone knows orang sombong ni jenis macam mana.
Optimism on the other hand, is a different case. It's like the opposite of sombong. You're more positive, full of hopes and confidence. It's a good trait. Everyone around you will be affected & convinced by it as well if you know how to present yourself as an optimist. :)

assalamualaikum kak anna :) saya bru je hbis spm. saya cadang nk ambik TESL nnti, boleh tak akak terangkan procedure dan kelayakan utk mohon? btw , dkat mne yg ade tawarkan TESL? ade tak elaun utk subject ni or tambahan apa2 ? maaf susahkan akak utk explain, saya merancang utk masa depan. thanks kak

Waalaikumussalam. Saya tak ingat lah awak.
But one thing I know is, banyak je tempat ada offer tesl course. You'll just have to look it up. Uitm & uia pun ada. Bersepah. Kena make effort sikit nak cari & apply.
Elaun etc tu depends on your loan application & kelayakan. Saya tak apply full loan, so mara just bayarkan yuran je.

hi Anna 🙋 I nak kulit Putih mcm you ,Ada pakai apa2 ke .share skit..i really adore you 🙈🙈

Hi! Haha anna takde lah putih gila. Biasa biasa je. Takde amal supplement for whitening etc pun. I somehow think it's pointless, just love who you are and be comfortable in your own skin.
Supplements yang anna amalkan untuk my inner health & skin je sebab I'm not originally flawless.
All I'm saying is... Jangan ajar diri sendiri untuk jadi cantik all the time. You don't want people to approach you because of your beauty which will eventually fade away in time. You may enhance your beauty in a lot of ways. One of them is by mending your personalities & inner values. :)


Language: English