
Marcus Owens

Ask @Thebigcheeseowens

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If this is the guy I met in forever21 Saturday, go follow my daughter @desirousgirl_ on ig & twitter. She thinks ur cute. Please don't post this question she would kill me.

Idek what forever 21 is couldn't have been me

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I use to like you and went to school with you.......lol this is so awkward

I have no clue you not gone tell me who you are

We would've looked so good together , I swear we would've shitted! Everybody who knew I liked u said so as well! If its meant to be, you'll be mines one day !

Who this?

Too shy to say :/ lol but everytime I post on ur ask u say the same thing. Lol

It's seems as of you like me I just wanna know who you are

I love that u got saved. Makes me want u even more. A relationship without God is absolutely nothing.

Who are you ?

If i approach you and would you shoot me down ?

You can't be to confidant about approaching I hope u look good lol who knows


Language: English