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"I cant wait for 2017" or "I cant wait until 2017"

If you're waiting for the year 2017, "I can't wait for 2017" is right. In other words, if you're excited about 2017, then use "I can't wait for 2017." (It's like "I can't wait for the party!")
If you have to wait from now all the way until 2017, "I can't wait until 2017" is right. (It's like "I can't wait until noon to go to the restroom; I have to go now!")

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what is the meaning of 'friendzone' ?

"Friend zone" is a stupid term.
If a guy tells a female friend that he likes her romantically, but she tells him that he is "just a friend" or "like a brother," some people might say that he is in the "friend zone" or that he has been "friendzoned."
This is an offensive term. It suggests that a girl who refuses to date a male friend is evil, manipulative, or cruel. However, there is nothing wrong for a girl to want to maintain a non-romantic friendship with a guy, even if that guy is madly in love with her. (She would only be cruel if she gave him confusing signals or played with his feelings.)
The same thing is true if the genders are reversed, i.e., if a girl likes a boy but he wants to just be friends.

Is it correct 'I don't have a relationship with anyone else, and fyi, wwjd means what would jesus do, so it isn't related with any guys in this whole world' Please fix my grammar if I wrong. Thx:)

"I don't have a relationship with anyone else, and FYI, WWJD stands for "What would Jesus do?" so it isn't related to any guy in this entire world."

hey sr i dont understand about gerund, and infinitive. can u explain it to me with some example? thanks before🙏

A GERUND is an -ing word that looks like a verb but acts like a noun:
- SKIING is fun.
- Your SNORING kept me up all night.
- Is my SINGING bothering you?
An INFINITIVE is "to + verb":
- I like TO DANCE.
- Peter wants TO GO home.
- TO PASS the class, you need TO SCORE above 90% on the final exam.
For more on this topic, read this article: http://www.englishpage.com/gerunds/part_1.htm 👀

"Seeing my mother be happy is all I hope" Is this grammatically correct ? Clarify. *why it's supposed to be "be" in the middle ?

"Seeing my mother happy is all I hope for" is right. There is no need for "be" in that sentence. (Similarly, "Seeing my mother smile" is much better than "Seeing my mother be smiling.")

how to master my english as a secondary school student ?

Unfortunately, the only answer is ... practice.
Read magazines and books. Read comic books (or translated manga) for dialogue. Try reading out loud.
Listen to English-speaking songs. (Do not listen to rap to improve your speaking skills; rap music is great for slang and vocabulary, but it generally has atrocious grammar.)
Watch English-speaking movies and TV shows. Start with easy shows (cartoons) and work up to more sophisticated ones.
Speak it constantly.
When it comes to improving your writing, read this article that we wrote: http://bit.ly/1YlN178 👀
Good luck! ^^

What is the comporative degree and superlative degree for word 'more', 'popular'??

"More popular" is the comparative form; "most popular" is the superlative. For example, "Jo is MORE popular at school than Tim is, but I am the MOST popular student of all."
Liked by: Carin Rianaditya

when do you know when to use "how much" or "how many"?

We use "many" for countable nouns; we use "much" for mass nouns or uncountable nouns:
- How many PENS do you own? (Pens can be counted.)
- How many COUNTRIES have you visited? (Countries can be counted.)
- How much MONEY do I owe you? (Money is a mass noun.)
- How much OXYGEN have I wasted by being here? (Oxygen cannot be counted.)


Language: English