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is "yessir" is the same like "yes, sir"? can you explain? thank you :)

"Yessir" is an INFORMAL way of expressing agreement or confirmation.
Mike: Did you hear what I said?
Me: Yessir!
It's an alteration of "Yes, sir."
Liked by: erin Jani.

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What do you think about CL's english pronounce? She is pretty good, right?

CL's English pronunciation is quite good. It probably comes from having studied at international schools when she was young.
Liked by: erin

"the key to happiness is NOT TO expect too much" or ".... is TO NOT TO expect too much?" thank you!

"The key to happiness is to not expect too much."

What is the difference between brave, bold, and courage?

"Brave" and "bold" are adjectives. "Courage" is a noun. ("Courageous" is an adjective.)
"Brave," "bold," and "courageous" are synonyms.

A strong person is someone who after crying themselves to sleep at night, still wakes up with a smile on their face. -Is this correct?

"A strong person is someone who, after crying themselves to sleep at night, still wakes up with a smile on their face."
Keep in mind that some people will say that "their" should be "his or her" (because "a person" is singular). On standardized exams, they would be right. Everywhere else, "their" is fine.

I finished reading the book (in/within) two days, can i use in and within interchangeably? If not, would you mind explainig how to use both words ?

In your examples, "in" and "within" mean the same thing. (That's because you used the past tense.)
"I will finish reading the book in 12 days." = I will finish the book 12 days from now.
"I will finish reading the book within 12 days." = I will take no more than 12 days. (I might take only nine, 10, or 11 days.)

What does "It happens to the best of us." means?

It means "We all go through the same problems" or "We all make mistakes." We say it to show empathy to someone who's going through a bad experience or has made a mistake.
Jo: I can't believe I missed that easy question!
Me: Don't worry about it. It happens to the best of us.

Would it be correct if I used "didn't...yet" instead of "haven't...yet"? Using "didn't...yet" sounds off to me though.

You can ("They didn't start yet"), but it's better to use "They haven't started yet."
"Yet" calls for the present perfect tense: http://is.gd/E0WUNz
Liked by: Kiki

can you tell me what a different about "use" and "wear"

"Wear" is specific: it deals with clothes, shoes, or accessories (jewelry, hats, ties, scarves, etc.).
"Use" is for objects (tools, utensils, devices, etc.) that you can operate to perform a task.
Liked by: Tantri Amalinda

worth it and worthy huhuhuh i need help still confused bout these two

"Worthy" = (adj.) having worth or value; deserving respect; having importance:
- Jo contributed to a worthy cause: providing free shoes to children who need them.
"Worth it" = (informal expression) something you say when you gained something from doing something:
- It was a lot of hard work, but it was totally worth it.
- Is it worth it to buy headphones for $400?
Liked by: lisaaa

The bold and the beautiful or the bold and beautiful?

If you're talking about the TV show, it's "The Bold and the Beautiful."
Otherwise, it can be "bold and beautiful": The bold and beautiful heroines saved the village.
Liked by: Noordiana

"It's been awhile since I've last seen you." Could you correct this sentence for me? Please and Thank You <3

"It's been a while since I last saw you."
Liked by: lisaaa

"Why we are here" or "why are we here?" Both are correct, rite? But I don't really understand about the structure and the use. Can you explain it? Thanks in advance. Huge fan of your useful account btw <3

"Why we are here" is an explanation: To rescue lost cats is why we are here.
"Why are we here?" is a question: "Why are we here?" asked Jo.

Could you translate the lyrics of sam Smith's leave your lover, because there is a line in the chorus that read "Leave your lover, leave HIM for me" what does it mean ? Does it mean leave him and be my gf or leave him so that i can still him away from you, bcus the mv and the lyrics are both contrar

"Leave him for me" = don't be with him anymore and choose me.
We don't know the song, but that's what those words should mean.
Liked by: faisshole


Language: English