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"I dont put high expectations on my SPM result bcs i screwed up. I only have myself to blame if my result were not as expected as my parents did" pls explain all the errors and correct it. thank u very much!!!!!

"I don't have high expectations of my SPM results because I screwed up. I only have myself to blame if they are not as good as what my parents expect."
Liked by: @ayihastuti

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Want to make more friends? Try this: Tell us what you like and find people with the same interests. Try this: + add more interests + add your interests

could you pls make an example for include and including. thanks

- We don't like doing chores, including taking out the trash, mopping the floor, cleaning the blinds, and mowing the lawn.
- Our favorite books include "The Crying of Lot 49," "White Noise," "Dracula," and "Franny and Zooey."

why did u put the bracket on the word 'that'? based on your prev answers. btw did i say it correctly?

I put parentheses around "that" because they were optional.
("Why did you put parentheses around 'that' in the previous example?")

Please what's the difference between DO a course and TAKE a course?!

They mean the same thing, but "take a course" is used much more commonly. ("Do a course" sounds awkward and informal.)

What does so-called means?

"So-called" is used to show a name or description that you don't think is right or true:
- My so-called friend broke into my house and stole all my valuables.
- The so-called heroes ran away as soon as the villains showed up.
- I fell asleep while playing the so-called Game of the Year.
"So-called" is also used to introduce a new word or phrase that is not yet known by many people:
- Let's see how deadly these so-called "killer snails" are.
- I'm not sure if our so-called "wonder drug" is ready to be sold at stores.
Liked by: piiiiiks

"You know I was in pain but you didn't know I felt save when you tried to make me stoped crying" bener ga?

"You KNEW (that) I was in pain, but you didn't know (that) I felt safe when you tried to make me STOP crying."

What's the difference between 'all over again' and 'again and again'

"Again and again" means that you do something repeatedly:
- I have to work on my golf swing again and again.
- My violin teacher told me to play the same song again and again.
"All over again" means that you do something again from the very beginning:
- I was counting my money, but I got distracted. Now, I have to start counting all over again.
- After accidentally deleting my essay from my hard drive, Jo had to write her essay all over again.

What's the passive form of "when will he stop reading that book?"? Is reading here works as a gerund? How do we find if a word is a gerund and change it into passive voice?

"When will that book be stopped being read by him?" It sounds terrible and awkward.
Yes, "reading" is a gerund in that instance. "Stop" is often followed by a gerund:
- Stop eating so much.
- Stop smoking before it's too late.
- Stop making so much noise!
The second part of your question is difficult to answer:
1. Learn what gerunds are: http://bit.ly/1vwg1kz
2. Learn how to form passive voice: http://bit.ly/16W6kk2
Good luck! ^_^

What's the meaning of jab?

To "jab" is to poke someone or something quickly: He jabbed at the piece of bread with his finger.
In fighting, a "jab" is a quick, straight punch: Manny hit him with six consecutive jabs to the face.

'I highly recommend'. is that correct? thank you in advance

Yes: "I highly recommend that you listen to 'How It's Going to Be' by Gerard Way."

hey!what kind of expression that would be sound friendly/polite to saying a wishes birthday for a friend? is this my question written correctly? thank you^^

1. "What would be a friendly or polite way to wish a friend happy birthday?" (It's always good to be concise.)
2. Honestly, the best expression is just "Happy birthday!"
If you want to get really creative, you can try these: http://bit.ly/1Kyo2qe

What is the difference between silent & silence?

"Silent" is an adjective:
- Be silent when you walk into the house; otherwise, my dogs will bark.
- Please sit still and be silent during the movie.
"Silence" is a noun:
- Maintain silence at all times during the test.
- One of Jo's favorite Depeche Mode songs is "Enjoy the Silence."

*I do miss you* or *I will miss you* ?

You would say "I do miss you" if someone doubted that you missed them:
- You don't even miss me, do you? Yes, I do miss you.
You would say "I will miss you" when you're about to leave (or if they're about to leave you):
- Do you have to go? I will miss you.
- I will miss you when I'm back home in Australia.


Language: English