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When we use "at my side" and "by my side" in sentences?

There is an expression "by (or at) someone's side," which means giving someone moral and emotional support:
- She stayed by my side during my difficult divorce.
- Although everyone left me, he stood faithfully at my side.
Both can also mean "beside me," e.g., "My dog sat at my side." 🐕

on mind OR in mind ?

It depends:
- You are always ON my mind. → ✔
- What do you have IN mind? → ✔
"On (someone's) mind" = thinking about someone or something, e.g., "You are always on my mind." (I am always thinking about you.) 😍💭
"In mind" = to have a plan or intention, e.g., "What do you have in mind for Peter's birthday present?" 🎁

I am bored easily. I get bored easily. - what's the DIFFERENCE ?

"I get bored easily" or "I become bored easily" is right, but you will hear many people say "I am bored easily." In conversational English, both are fine, but in written English, go with "I get/become bored easily" instead.

if u mind to share, how did u start ur existence here? askfm?

How did we start our existence on ask.fm? Well, we have a popular Tumblr, on which we got dozens of questions a day, and our followers didn't like how it was turning into a Q&A blog. Similarly, we have a popular Twitter, and we didn't want to turn our timeline into a bunch of replies to questions, so we turned to ask.fm, where the whole point of the site is to answer people's questions. The only problem we have is time: we don't have enough time to answer everyone's question. We do what we can. We are encouraged that many of you find our answers to be helpful. 👍
Speaking of Tumblr and Twitter, check them out for lots of grammar/vocabulary tips:
Tumblr: http://theyuniversity.tumblr.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/The_YUNiversity
Catch you next time! (Thursday.) 👋

When we mention a year in 20th century, for example "1994" become "nineteen ninety four", but why when we mention a year in 21st century like 2016 we usually mention it become "two thousand and sixteen" instead of "twenty sixteen"?

Actually, we say "Twenty-sixteen." No one we know says "Two-thousand and sixteen." However, for 2006, for example, we did say "Thousand (and) six," not "Twenty zero six."

I just heard song of Exo tittle call me baby. Then there is lyric when sehun does the rapped 'never don't mind about the thing' Is it correct? What that is means? Thanks in advance

We love that song. It's such an earworm (a catchy song you can't get out of your head). 🎧
Sehun's line is not incorrect, but it's awkward. What he's basically saying is "There should never be a time when you don't mind about the thing." There are better ways of saying this:
- Don't mind about a thing. ("Don't mind about a thing" means "Don't worry about anything.")
- Always mind about the thing. (This means "Always think about that one thing.")
Since it's a pop song, the writer was more concerned about making the words sound good and fit the music than using the most grammatical sentence. Moreover, plenty of American/British singers/songwriters don't use proper grammar in their songs, so it's completely understandable that a Korean artist who didn't even write the lyrics himself would have problems with an English line. This is yet another reason why you shouldn't learn grammar from pop songs. (In fact, we wrote an article about this: http://bit.ly/2dpUJmb)

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Hi, can you explain how to use 'have' and 'had' in one sentence, please ? Thanks in advance.

You're asking about the present perfect tense, which you can learn about here: http://bit.ly/2dpSFKT
Here is an example of "have" + "had" in one sentence: Since noon, I have had a terrible headache. (It means that my terrible headache started at noon, and I still have it now.)

Can you explain how to use though.. When we said.. I'm hungry tho.. Is that means I'm hungry first.? Thanks in advance

It means "But I'm hungry."
Nan: Let's hurry and go to the beach.
Henry: I'm hungry tho. Can't we eat first?
By the way, "tho" is slang/informal. NEVER 🙅 use it in an essay or professional email. Use "though," "however," or some other standard word.

Hye.. What does it mean... The climate was more hostile? Tq And do u think 1 and half years are enough for me to write better english?

"The climate was more hostile" could mean either literally "The weather was worse" or figuratively, "The mood/environment was more tense." (And yes, that's plenty of time for you to improve your writing. Just practice diligently.) 💪
Here are some tips for improving your writing ✍️: http://bit.ly/2dpT68c

How can I call not mainly character but his friend? Sorry don't know how to say... Like sort of sidekik or character of the second plan (is there in english such concept?)...

Supporting character? For example, in "Harry Potter," not Harry but Ron Weasley? Or in "One Piece," not Luffy but Zoro?
Liked by: Carin Rianaditya

For s/he/ it. Should I use doesn't have or doesn't has? Thank you!

After DOES and DOESN'T, we always use the base form (bare infinitive) of the verb. It doesn't matter what the subject is:
- She doesn't LIKE to exercise.
- It doesn't SNOW in Los Angeles.
- Peter doesn't DRINK coffee.
- The phone doesn't HAVE a headphone jack.


Language: English