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Can u give me a link/list of popular slangs and idioms

Here is an excellent resource for idioms: http://www.usingenglish.com/reference/idioms/
For slang, we suggest http://www.urbandictionary.com, but you should keep in mind that A LOT of slang is sexual and offensive. Instead of browsing through Urban Dictionary to find new slang, you might be better off using it like a dictionary and only looking up the slang words you aren't sure of.
For a cleaner version of Urban Dictionary, try this: http://www.alphadictionary.com/slang/A.html
Liked by: aira Deal nindunia.

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How to use your and you're ? Thank you :)

YOUR = belonging to you:
- I love your shoes!
- What is your favorite song?
- Where did you go on your birthday?
YOU'RE = you are:
- You're my hero.
- You're so helpful. Thank you!
- You're the best thing that's happened to me this year.
Liked by: aliasyaheeda

how did he find it or how did he found it ?

"How did he FIND it?"
After DO, DON'T, DID, DIDN'T, DOES, and DOESN'T, use the base form (bare infinitive) of the verb:
- DID you FIND it?
- DOES he KNOW the answer?
- She DIDN'T TELL him the truth.
- DO I LOOK good in this dress?

I have not expected that the morning would end in such a surprising or shocking manner. Is this sounds correct?

Close. These would all be correct:
"I did not expect that the morning would end in such a surprising or shocking manner."
"I did not expect for the morning to end in such a surprising or shocking manner."
"I had not expected that the morning would end in such a surprising or shocking manner."
Liked by: Aiman Syamil

What does 'it takes two to tango' mean?

It means "if two people were involved in a bad situation, both must be responsible." In other words, you can't blame just one person if something goes wrong; you have to blame both people.
Nan: Mike and John were caught selling answers to exams. I bet it was all Mike's fault.
Henry: I wouldn't be so sure. It takes two to tango.

How to use the word "Is" and "are"

"Is" → present tense of "be" for he, she, it, and singular nouns:
- Peter (singular) is Henry's close friend.
- Nan (singular) is an excellent public speaker.
- Chewie (singular) is a black Shorkie. (Black Shih-Tzu + Yorkshire Terrier).
"Are" → present tense of "be" for you, we, they, and plural nouns:
- You are the nicest person we've ever met.
- Henry and Peter are passionate about anime.
- They are at the beach right now.
Liked by: Aiman Syamil atira

the difference between "I'm so happy " and " I'm too happy " ?

"I'm so happy" = I'm very happy:
- I'm so happy that you came to my party.
- I'm so happy that I'll be spending the summer in Europe.
"I'm too happy" = I'm excessively happy; I have too much happiness:
- I'm too happy to sleep; all I can do is sing and dance right now.
- I'm too happy to care about tomorrow's exam.

Do that's and thats different?

"Thats" is not a valid word.
"That's" = that is, that has:
- That's (That is) why we don't go there anymore.
- That's (That is) right!
- Is there anything that's (that has) been bothering you lately?
The plural of "that" is "those" (not "thats"):
- That chair is broken. (Singular)
- Those chairs are broken. (Plural)
Liked by: aira bornhaters

'That deep baritone voice sends shiver down my spine', is that correct?

Close: "That deep baritone voice sends SHIVERS down my spine" or "That deep baritone voice sends A SHIVER down my spine"
Liked by: nindunia.

Why do we put 's' in certain words? For example, "he looks so good in that white shirt." Ugh idk is it verb? Well like ,loves, cooks, makes, etc. And how to use it?

Looks → present tense of "looks" for she, he, it, and singular nouns:
- He (singular) looks so good in that white shirt.
Cooks → present tense of "cook" for she, he, it, and singular nouns:
- Nan (singular) cooks very well.
Makes → present tense of "make" for she, he, it, and singular nouns:
- Peter (singular) makes his friends laugh with his corny jokes.
Do you see the pattern? ^__^
Liked by: atira aliasyaheeda

Get married or got married?

It depends:
- We are going to get married next year. ("Get married" → hasn't happened yet.)
- They got married two years ago. ("Got married" → past tense; it already happened.)
Liked by: A. Sasyalia

What is the meaning of "get back on my feet" ?

It means "to recover from anything, especially financial problems or illnesses":
- After her wealthy father pays off all of her debts, Nan's friend will be able to get back on her feet.
- Nan's aunt will be back at work once she gets back on her feet.
Liked by: Fitri berug Uyun


Language: English