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how to use 'was', 'were' and 'are'? confusing.

"Was" → past tense of "be" for I, he, she, it, and singular nouns:
- It was cold yesterday.
- Peter was sick last week.
"Were" → past tense of "be" for you, we, they, and plural nouns:
- We were late to the meeting yesterday.
- They were talking about buying a new car.
"Are" → present tense of "be" for you, we, they, and plural nouns:
- We are ready to go home now.
- Henry and Peter are really good friends.
- Some people are excited about the new movie.
For a special use of "were," read this post about the SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD: http://tmblr.co/Z90tLy1cMnhus (If your English isn't great, don't read it yet. It will only confuse you more.) ✌️

What does spirit animal means?

A "spirit animal" is now used to mean anything or person that represents who you are or who you want to be. (It doesn't literally have to be an animal, but it can be.)
- As someone who greatly values loyalty, Peter considers Monkey D. Luffy his spirit animal.
- Nan's nephew, who wants to be a doctor, considers Chopper his spirit animal.
- Henry's spirit animals are Ishida Sui, Eiichiro Oda, G-DRAGON, and Gerard Way: creative geniuses.

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i'm a little bit confused when trying to text my friend w/ eng. can u explain why every words need 's'? i mean like this ('end' and 'ends', 'explain' and 'explains', 'other' and 'others) sorry i'm not fluent in englishㅠㅠ

We'll try to make it as simple as possible:
1. Verbs
- Explain → present tense for I, you, we, they, and plural nouns: YOU EXPLAIN things very clearly.
- Explains → present tense for he, she, it, and singular nouns: SHE EXPLAINS things very clearly.
This works for all verbs.
2. Nouns
- Dog → singular: Nan owns a dog; his name is Chewie.
- Dogs → plural: Her sister has two dogs; their names are Buster and Benji.
This works for almost all nouns. (Some irregular nouns don't become plural by adding "s": child → children; ox → oxen; moose → moose, etc.)
Unfortunately, to explain this concept more thoroughly would require hours and hours, and this answer would become the longest answer in the history of ask.fm. Keep studying and this will become clearer.
Good luck! 🙏

Thank you! You've helped me a lot with my vocabulary and grammar! I've been your follower since you guys only had a few answers. Following you has been the best decision I've made on this website. Am I correct? :D

Yes! (And thanks for the kind words!) 😊

which one is true, i want to cry or i want to crying? help me plz

"I want to cry" is right.
After "I want to," use the base form (bare infinitive) of the verb:
- I want to DANCE. (Not "I want to dancing.")
- I want to SLEEP. (Not "I want to sleeping.")
- I want to EAT. (Not "I want to eating.")
Liked by: Syifa syahira♠

that is for sure. what is that mean?

We usually say it as "That's for sure." It means "I agree with what you just said" or "What you said is true." (It means the same thing as "No doubt about it.")
Nan: If we don't sleep soon, we're going to be dead tomorrow.
Henry: That's for sure.

what does "out and about" means? thanks in advance!

"Out and about" is an idiom that means "taking a walk outside" or "doing the things you usually do":
- After seeing her in bed all week, it's good to see Nan out and about.
- Peter has been feeling better, so he should be out and about soon.
- If you're out and about today, can you pick up some bread and milk on your way back?

"Nita and Nadia 'has' to go to the school .." Why has?

It's not. It should be "have": Nita and Nadia HAVE to go to school.

how to use 'arent' when asking something and what does it mean?

"Aren't" = are not.
- Aren't you cold?
- Aren't you tired?
- Aren't you going to eat that?
- Aren't you glad that the week is almost over?

"what if Bella has a short hair?" is it wrong?

"What if Bella has short hair?" (if you're not sure whether she has short or long hair) or "What if Bella had short hair?" (if you're asking a hypothetical question) would be correct. ✌️
Liked by: Syifa syahira♠

how can we use "tho"

No offense, but we are starting to get sick of questions about "tho." We've answered this question a dozen times, including just yesterday: http://ask.fm/The_YUNiversity/answer/127947297154
(Sorry for the rant.)
To be 100% honest, "tho" is a word that we admins have NEVER used in our lives. It takes less than two seconds to add "ugh," which makes it "though." (Unlike "tho," "though" is a formal, standard word.)

Can you use 'Nefarious' in a sentence?

Sure: While watching "The Lion King," Nan hated Scar's *nefarious* (extremely wicked, villainous) plan to become king of the lions.

If someone says, "tell me about yourself". What would be the response?

Give them your personal background, e.g., your name, where you were born, how many siblings you have, where you went (or go) to school, what you like to do, what you're good at, etc.
This is a very common question for a job interview, a college admissions interview, or even a date, so practice answering it in advance. ✌️

What is the meaning of muse? Is it right if i say that bigbang is my muse?

A "muse" is the source of your creative inspiration. Therefore, if BIGBANG inspires your creativity, then yes, you can say that BIGBANG is your muse.
(In our Twitter bio, we mention that G-DRAGON is our muse, so I guess we think alike.) 😎

When to use sync in and sink in?

"Sync" is often used as "in sync" (to work well together; to be in agreement), e.g., We were in sync with each other, and our dance routine was flawless.
"Sink in" is an idiom that means "(of words or facts) be fully understood":
- Her email is long, so you should read it carefully for the words to sink in.
- Nan heard what I said, but she was distracted, so it took a few minutes for it to sink in.
Liked by: Syifa syahira♠

confuse when to use lose,loose,loss. can you explain?

"Lose" (v.) = opposite of win:
- I win! You lose.
- Your team is going to lose tomorrow.
"Loose" (adj.) = opposite of tight:
- Your pants are too loose; wear a belt!
- My tooth is loose, so I'm going to see the dentist tomorrow.
"Loss" (n.) = opposite of gain or win:
- Bayern Munich suffered a devastating loss yesterday.
- One more loss will make some Manchester United supporters demand a new manager.


Language: English