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Is it okay to. Use gerund after personal pronoun without using auxiliaries? Ex: as if she going to do this

When we use gerunds, we use possessive adjectives:
- She cried as if HER LOSING the contest represented the end of her life.
- I acted as though MY SNORING never bothered anyone.
- THEIR WINNING the match did nothing to prevent relegation.
(⌒ ͜ʖ⌒)-b
Liked by: sony hostiadi Bea

I could finish the book or I could finish read the book?

"I could finish the book" and "I could finish READING the book" would both be right.

Is the expression " never hurt nobody " correct?

Not in formal English. "Never hurt nobody" is a double negative, so it should be "Never hurt ANYBODY."
Liked by: Hanum Mohirah

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does the sentences of "by tonight" exists? "I want to finish the book by tonight" "you have to pay me by tonight"

Yes. It means "before tonight."
For example, "I have to turn in my assignment BY NOON" means "I have to turn in my assignment at some point BEFORE 12 PM."
Liked by: Hanum Mohirah

what does Bad Blood mean?(It's Taylor swift's new song)

"Bad blood" is an idiom that means "feelings of hate between people because of arguments in the past":
- There has been bad blood between Taylor Swift and Katy Perry in the past.
- There has been bad blood between supporters of Manchester United and Liverpool.
- There is bad blood between the ghouls of Aogiri Tree and the CCG.

What is the difference between non and none?

"None" is a pronoun that means "not one" or "not a single one." It can stand on its own: "I have none."
"Non" is a prefix that goes in front of other words; it cannot stand on its own.
- He is a nonbeliever.
- She is a nonconformist.
- Nan does not drink nonfat milk.

what is the meaning of 'american dream'? i heard it everywhere. give me some examples please :)

In some countries, no matter how hard you work or how talented you are, you might not be able to succeed because there aren't any jobs, schools, rights, or opportunities. The American Dream is the belief that anyone in this country can become successful if they work hard enough because every American is empowered with rights and has access to opportunities to realize their goals. (It's this dream of a better life that has motivated millions of immigrants to come to America.)

I love reading books to improve my english comprehension. but, sometimes, I find lots of words that I even never seen which make me stuck for awhile when I found the words. is that good if I directly check the meaning of the words in the dictionary? or just go forward and forget the words?

One of the benefits of reading is learning new words. We recommend looking them up in a dictionary right away and then continuing the reading.
Later, we would write down the word in a journal or notebook and use that word in a sentence—both written and spoken. At the end of the week, you might have a lot of great words recorded in that journal/notebook, and more importantly, you'll know how to use them properly.
(⌒ ͜ʖ⌒)-b

What's the difference between opponent and competitor?

A "competitor" is anyone who competes in a tournament.
An "opponent" is a rival, i.e., someone you want to beat. An opponent is a person or team that you have to play against.
For example, the UEFA Champions League has many COMPETITORS: Barcelona, Real Madrid, Juventus, Bayern Munich, Arsenal, etc.
In the Champions League Final, Barcelona's OPPONENT will be Juventus.
Liked by: Fanessa Mellinia Nur

family has or family have? whereas we know that family consist(s) of more than one person thanks before

"Family" is a SINGULAR collective noun. The plural form is "families."
Therefore, "family has" is right.
However, in British English, collective nouns (family, team, government, etc.) can be used with singular or plural verbs. If you live where British English is used, then "my family have" is also acceptable, e.g., My family have been to many countries in Europe. (This would NOT be acceptable in American English.)

"This question makes me thinking am I thinking?" << is it right? Thank you 😊

"This question makes me think that I'm thinking" would be right. ^^
Liked by: jessica Nur hilu

He said that I am/was a friendly person. correct or not? p/s I am still a friendly person

Since you are still a friendly person, "He said that I am a friendly person" would make more sense.
However, "He said that I was a friendly person" is not grammatically wrong. ("Said" and "was" are both past tense, so there is nothing wrong with the sentence.)
If you were no longer a friendly person, you could write it as "He said that I used to be a friendly person" to avoid the confusion. ^^
Liked by: sicah Nur

Debate on/about/over "This House Will Raise The Fuel Price"???

"On," "about," and "over" are all acceptable after "debate" (as a noun).
However, we would rephrase your sentence to something like this: "We had a debate on whether the House should raise the price of fuel."
In fact, "We debated whether the House should raise the price of fuel" is even better. ^^
Liked by: sicah Afiqah Yusof Nur

What means to take up art?

It means that you started doing art, i.e., you just began to learn it, to become interested in it, or to practice it.
Liked by: sicah Thalia Nur

i will emerge victory or victorious? mind to explain why

"I will emerge victorious" is right. Idiomatically, we use an adjective after "I will emerge":
- I will emerge stronger than ever before. (Not "strength.")
- I will emerge triumphant. (Not "triumph.")
Grammatically, "I will emerge" can also be followed by an adverb, but that would modify "emerge":
- I will emerge quickly. (It means I will be fast in the way I emerge.)
- I will emerge slowly. (It means I will not be fast in the way I emerge.)

It means i cannot use the word "does" for I then? I mean literally for myself

"I does" is wrong. ("Does" can only be used with he, she, it, and singular nouns other than I and you.)


Language: English