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What does 'screw up' mean in this sentence, "I screwed up the courage to attack Noah with the questions that plagued me"? Thank you!

We've never seen "screwed up" used that way, but it would mean the same thing as "muster" or "summon" (to gather or bring together).
Liked by: aira x

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Hi I just want to know what's the difference between 'inside the house' and 'inside of a house'? Thanks!

"Inside of a house" is a noun phrase. It would be used like this:
- The inside of a house should be clean and bright.
- The inside of a house was much dirtier than the outside.
"Inside a house" is an adverb phrase. It would be used like this:
- Run inside a house if you see lightning outside. 🌩
- On our recent camping trip, we had to sleep inside a house because we forgot to pack a tent. ⛺️

"Head for" "Head over" "Head to" #how to use these correctly ?

"Head for" / "Head to" = go toward: Head for the bridge before it blows up! I am headed to the airport. (Use "head for" AND "head to" + a place.)
"Head over" = to leave and go toward a specific place: Let's head over to Grandma's house for dinner. If you're bored, head over to my house: we're playing video games. 🎮 (Use "head over" + "to" + a place.)

what's the diff between "on time" & "in time" .. could u please spell this out ?

1️⃣ "I made it in time" suggests that I performed one event before another one occurred: I made it to the theater IN TIME to watch the previews. (Translation: I arrived at the theater BEFORE the previews began.)
2️⃣ "I made it on time" suggests that I wasn’t late: I made it to the theater ON TIME. (Translation: I wasn't late to the theater.)
Here's another example that hopefully makes the difference clear: "Yesterday, I ran from my desk to the microwave IN TIME to stop the timer before it went off. After quickly eating heated leftovers, I made it to my Intro to Economics class ON TIME."

she helps his father (do/doing/does) his work. explain.

"She helps his father DO his work" is right. After "help," "helps," "helped," or "helping," use the base form (bare infinitive) of the verb:
- She helps her cousin FINISH her homework.
- She is helping her neighbor FIX his broken computer. 🔧🖥
- She helped me WASH my car. 🚗
- We are trying to help everyone UNDERSTAND English better. 👍🏻

what does "corporate sellout" mean?

A "corporate sellout" is someone who has sacrificed their integrity, honor, beliefs, values, etc. in order to become successful as a representative or employee of a corporation.
For example, let's say there's a rapper who grew up poor with a father who died from lung cancer (because he smoked cigarettes). Let's say that the rapper became successful and famous through hard work. And let's say that he started doing ads and commercials for a large cigarette company because they paid him a lot of money. He would be a corporate sellout—he basically sold himself to a corporation for money.
Liked by: WILD ONE Ana

I've just known you guys. Quite late. Could you introduce something about yourself? Big thank to you <3

Welcome to The YUNiversity! 🙋🏻
Here are some answers to FAQ: http://www.TheYUNiversity.net/faq 👈🏻👩🏻💻 Going through that page will give you a better sense of who we are.
On that note, our time for today is up. We'll see you back here on Tuesday. Have a great weekend, everyone! 👋

but, mostly the person that I want to talk are strangers on ASK.fm, so I should write in english not talk irl:(

But that's OK. ASK.fm is not a formal website. Perfect grammar and spelling are not required. Just keep doing what you're doing, and don't let your fear of making a few mistakes here and there stop you from having a good time. 👍🏻

"Conservation for target resources in...". Can I use "targeted resources", which is correct? So, a compound noun is made with "adj + N" and "noun + noun", which one is better?

Both "target resource" and "targeted resource" are OK, but "target resource" sounds more natural and is more commonly used.
As you said, a compound noun is formed by combining adjective + noun or noun + noun. There is no "better" or "worse"; they function differently.
Adj. + noun: full moon, greenhouse, blackboard
Noun + noun: toothpaste, checkbook (chequebook), billboard
Liked by: gufron

hello, idk english well. can you tell me what android app to study english well? thankyou

We like Elevate: https://www.elevateapp.com (Henry is an acquaintance of the developer, so he uses it for free; however, it's a pay-to-use app. Click on the link to learn more about it. It was named Apple's App of the Year in 2014, and there's also an Android version.)
Liked by: tira

Hey, can you explain the difference between 'because' and 'because of' ? Thank you, have a nice day!

1️⃣ "Because of" has to be followed by a noun or gerund (-ing noun):
- Because of you, I have the confidence to succeed. 👍🏻
- Because of her help, I can now solve this difficult problem.
- Because of the rain, our yard is green and healthy.
- Nan couldn't study because of Henry's snoring. ("Snoring" is a gerund.)
2️⃣ "Because" has to be followed by a verb phrase (IN CAPS):
- Because I LOVE YOU, I will do the laundry.
- Because HE HAD OVERSLEPT, Peter was late to the important meeting. 🛌
- Henry likes to try out new cafes because HE LIKES COFFEE so much. ☕️

whats the different between gurl and girl?

"Girl" = standard English spelling. "Gurl" = slang/informal version of "girl."
Some people use "gurl" to describe transvestites or cross-dressers, i.e., guys who dress up like girls. This usage is obviously slang, and it's not even universally accepted. We're just throwing it out there in case that's the context in which you came across that spelling. 👌🏻

Wow you got it right guys that sentence came from Mara dyer trilogy. I really love to read but sometimes i don't understand some sentences and i cannot have a peace of mind until i know the meaning of that sentence. So I'm really thankful that you guys are back!

Glad to help! 👍🏻 (And we're glad to be back!)
We really enjoy interacting with you guys; we just wish we had more time to do. Let's make the most of the opportunities while we can! 🙌🏻

As a native english speaker, do u use broken english too?

All. The. Time. We use so much slang and informal expressions! (But only when we speak with friends or while sending text messages. In formal writing, we always use standard English.) 👍🏻

what is the difference between "i.e" and "e.g" ?

We use "e.g." to give examples: "Henry has enjoyed many types of books, e.g., 'The Crying of Lot 49,' 'White Noise,' 'Bluebeard,' and 'The Graveyard Book.'"
We use "i.e." to clarify or explain a point: "Peter expected Henry to show up at his usual time, i.e., 20 minutes late." 🙄
(See picture for more examples.)

What the different "just" and "only" ? Can u tell me how to use both?

This page answers your question perfectly: http://bit.ly/1OPM8iW 👈🏻👩🏻💻
(If you're still confused after reading the page, then ask again!) 👍🏻
Liked by: -Nabila-

will you be resuming your writing intern program this year?

Yes! We are currently in the process of revamping our internship program. Look for updates in June. 👍🏻

how to use "reciprocate" in sentences ? and what does it mean ?

zakwanwan’s Profile Photozkwn
To "reciprocate" means 'to act, feel, or give back in the same way or amount.' For example, if someone says "You look nice," you reciprocate the compliment by saying, "You look nice too."
Example sentences:
- Henry always invites his neighbors for dinner, but they never reciprocate.
- After Peter bought donuts for his cousin, she reciprocated by treating him to coffee. ☕️
Liked by: WILD ONE tira

What is "spirit animals" means?

A "spirit animal" means any thing or person that represents who you are or who you want to be. (It doesn't literally have to be an animal, but it can be.)
- Nan's nephew, who wants to be a footballer, considers Zlatan Ibrahimović his spirit animal.
- Suga from BTS is the spirit animal of thousands of people around the world. 😂


Language: English