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how to use 'lest' properly in a sentence?

"Nan kept her notes beside her lest she forget parts of her speech." (We do not conjugate the verb after "lest"; this is why it's "she forget," not "she forgets" or "she forgot.")

Hi! Can you give some tips for making essay? Because I have essay to do and it's new for me, so it would be really helpful if you could give some.. thanks in advance😁😄

We really like the tips this page offers: http://bit.ly/1LYiWW6
Good luck! 👍
Liked by: B Una zalikha Nike

What's the different between did and does?

"Does" is the present tense of "do" for he, she, it, and singular nouns:
- She does all of her homework after midnight.
- Peter does his best work in the morning.
"Did" is the past tense of "do" for all nouns and pronouns:
- We did everything you asked us to do.
- They did their group project at the last minute.
- She did the assignment perfectly and received a perfect score.

When is the right time to use have has and had? I'm having difficulties to use this in the right grammar structure

Has → present tense for he, she, it, and singular nouns:
- Peter has a black car.
- Nan has a lot of clothes.
- Henry has a lot of shoes.
Have → present tense for I, you, we, they, and plural nouns:
- I have to study now.
- Do you have to go to work this weekend?
- They have violin practice at noon.
Had → past tense:
- Peter had no appointments yesterday, so he went to the cafe and relaxed.
- Nan had to get a shot from the doctor yesterday.
- Chewie and Henry had fun at the beach on Sunday.

what does 'trust issue' mean? is it informal? can i use it in my essay?

"Trust issues" = difficulty trusting people, e.g., The abused dog has trust issues. Having been abandoned by his parents, the child has trust issues.
You can use it in your essay. ✌️
Liked by: Em احمد jessica

That makes me happy / that make me happy ?

Without adding any more words, "That (singular) makes (singular) me happy" is right. ("That" is singular; "those" is its plural form.)
"That make me happy" can be right—if you add more words to it:
- Those are the snacks that make me happy.
- Can you tell me the stories that make me happy?

what's " he's tryna to flirting around " means?

"He's trying to flirt around" = He is attempting to flirt with many people.
Liked by: jessica

is this correct? Because people treats you nicer when you are prettier.

"... because people TREAT you BETTER when you are PRETTY" or "... because people TREAT you more NICELY when you are PRETTY" would work better:
1. "People" is plural, so it should be "treat" (not "treats").
2. "Nicer" is an adjective, so it doesn't work with "treat" (verb); "nicely" is an adverb.
Liked by: Aliff Hazwan Halin

'i tore my eyes away' what does it means?

It means that it was hard for you to stop looking at something or someone, e.g., "I tore my eyes away from the TV screen because I had to study for my final exam."

whats the different between "did" and "had"?

"Did" is the past tense of "do":
- Did you finish your homework on time?
- She did a great job on her project.
- We did not pass the quiz, so we had to stay for an hour after school.
"Had" is the past tense of "have":
- I had a headache this morning, but I'm fine now.
- He had to go to the dentist yesterday because he cracked one of his teeth while playing basketball.
- We had no idea how hard the test was going to be.

Why we're allowed to use v-ing after to? Is it only for some verbs? Or are there some condition to use it?

It is only for some verbs, including "look forward," "confess," "adjust," "devote," and "object":
- I look forward TO MEETING you.
- She confessed TO EATING the last doughnut.
- I became adjusted TO LIVING in cold places.
- Peter objects TO SPENDING more than $2 for a soda.
- Luffy devoted two years TO BECOMING more powerful by mastering Haki.


Language: English