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Is 'technologies' a proper word? When can I use it instead of 'technology'? Thank you very much!

Yes. "Technologies" = specific forms or applications of technology. For example, MIT published this article (called "10 Breakthrough TECHNOLOGIES 2015": http://bit.ly/1DpdKK8) "Technology" is either the singular form or a broad term, e.g., Medical technology is advancing rapidly.
Liked by: Sonya Natasha

what's the meaning of "love is a laserquest" according to one of arctic monkey's song title? thanks.

sasyalia’s Profile PhotoA. Sasyalia
Laser Quest is a game of tag using infrared guns and vests. (See picture.) Here is the line from the song: "And do you still think love is a Laser Quest / Or do you take it all more seriously?" In other words, is love just a childish game to you, or are you more serious about it?

Man/men,woman/women?what's the difference?

"Man" is singular; "men" is plural: Henry is a man; Henry and Peter are men.
"Woman" is singular; "women" is plural: Taylor Swift is a woman; Taylor Swift and Katy Perry are women.
Liked by: Belle

after word "should" we have to write infinitive or not? for example, should TO go or just should go? help ;)

After SHOULD and SHOULDN'T, don't use "to"; just use the base form (bare infinitive):
- You should take a shower. (Not "You should to take a shower.")
- I should be going now. (Not "I should to be going now.")
- We shouldn't exercise when it's really hot. (Not "We shouldn't to exercise ....")

" makes him feel dizzy " or " makes him FEELS dizzy "? ty 😊

"Makes him FEEL dizzy." After MAKES and MADE, use the base form (bare infinitive) of the verb:
- This makes him GO wild. (Not "goes")
- The song's beats made the audience BOUNCE with excitement. (Not "bounces")
- The hamburger's smell made Henry DROOL. (Not "drools")

what 'goes a long way' means? and how to use it?

It means that it's very effective, useful, or helpful, e.g., Learning proper grammar will GO A LONG WAY toward making you a better writer. A strong work ethic GOES A LONG WAY toward being an excellent student.
Liked by: فنوه Soraya RP

I dream of you. It is right?

"I dream ABOUT you" is better. "Dream of" is used to express your goals and wishes, e.g., I DREAM OF becoming a doctor. I DREAM OF winning the World Cup.
"Dream about" describes what goes on in your sleep, e.g., I often DREAM ABOUT unicorns. I can't help DREAMING ABOUT you.

"from your cutest friend" is that correct? and what's the meaning? pls answer^^

Yes, it's correct. "From your cutest friend" means exactly what it says: something is from your friend, who is cuter than all your other friends. (If you're asking what "cute" means, then this is what you need: http://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/cute) ✌️

what is the exact meaning of paraphernalia? and could you give me some examples? thank, you 😃

See the picture for the definition. Here are some example sentences:
- He has been in jail on charges of theft and possession of drug paraphernalia.
- The police officers found lots of gang paraphernalia inside the suspect's home.
- We knew that Tom was a Whovian because of the all the Doctor Who paraphernalia he had in his car.
Liked by: C B

weekend or weekends?

"Weekend" is singular; "weekends" is plural.
- What are you doing this weekend? (Singular)
- I will spend the next three weekends (plural) leading a seminar on writing college application essays.
Liked by: A

when do we use 'importance' and 'importances'?

Although "importances" is listed as the plural of "importance," it is never used, except in works of fiction. Just use "importance," e.g., My parents remind me every day of the importance of being polite and humble.

what does it mean by thank you for the kind gesture?

It means "thanks for doing something nice or being thoughtful." For example,
Nan: You seemed tired, so I bought you a large cup of your favorite coffee. ☕️
Henry: Thank you for the kind gesture.
Here's an uplifting story about a kind gesture: http://yhoo.it/1J4wMEY


Language: English