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Hi, I just want to know what this sentence mean "Arrested for possession"? Does this mean the speaker got arrested for illegal drugs? Thanks!

You got it right. They were arrested for having illegal drugs.
Liked by: WILD ONE

Hii.. What the different between: "badass vs badboy"? And the different between: "demon vs devil"

A "badass" is a tough, intimidating, or really impressive person. It can be a man or woman. For example, "She is an amazing singer, rapper, and entrepreneur; she is such a badass!"
A "bad boy" is a man who acts in whatever way he wants to, especially if it means not following approved standards of behavior, dress, speech, etc. For example, "I don't want to date a mama's boy; I like bad boys."
Without getting into religion or RPG lore, "demon" and "devil" mean pretty much the same thing to most people. The only thing to watch out for is idioms. For example, it's "speak of the devil" (not "speak of the demon"), "demon-possessed" (not "devil-possessed), and "devil's advocate" (not "demon's advocate"). There are many others. 😈

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What does this sentence is trying to imply, "my phone sounds off"? Thanks!

When something "sounds off," it means that it doesn't sound right, i.e., something is not working properly. Therefore, if your phone sounds off, it might not be playing music properly, the speakers might not be working, the ringtones might not work, etc.

What is the meaning of "check out the icons you see in the right"?

It means to take a look at the icons that are on the right side. 👉🏻
Liked by: tidakaktif

"Kat is prettier than she," or, "Kat is prettier than her"?

"Kat is prettier than SHE" is the technically correct answer. It's because it's the same form as "Kat is prettier than SHE (is)."
However, "Kat is prettier than HER" is used MUCH MORE frequently. Therefore, it is also accepted as correct.
Also, even though "Kat is prettier than she" is correct, it will sound unnatural (even to many native speakers).

What does "Just put it on m tab" means? Thanks.

A "tab" is an ongoing restaurant or bar bill that is given to loyal customers. For example, if I had been going to the same restaurant every day for six years, the owner/manager might give me a tab, so instead of paying for my meal immediately after I eat it, I can pay for it later (e.g., at the end of the week, at the end of the month). So when you say "Just put it on my tab," it means "I'll pay for it later."

Hello, I'm not really good in english so can you please make me understand this sentence,"She was on the verge of being evicted after her old roommate stuck her with half of the lease"? Thanks a lot!

Hi. Here is a rough summary: Her old roommate left without paying half of the lease, so she is now about to be kicked out of her apartment/house/flat (because she can't afford to pay the full lease by herself).

Hi, I always want to watch (english,american) movies but the problem with me is I can't watch them without subtitle. Do you know any tips so that I can perfectly understand what the speaker are saying because no matter I practice my vocabulary skills I always endep up failing.

Great question. First of all, watching with the subtitles is a great way to not only catch what the speaker is saying but also learn how to spell words. As your skills improve, try this: watch a 10-minute (or any length) clip of the movie with the subtitles turned off, then watch the same 10-minute clip with the subtitles on—and see how accurate you were the first time. Keep doing this until you get better. You can do it! 💪🏻

how to ask your supervisor to do something for you?

"Could you ...?" "Would you mind ...?" "I would greatly appreciate your help in ..."
- Could you review this report before I submitted it to our client?
- Would you mind reviewing this report before I submitted it to our client?
- I would greatly appreciate your help in reviewing this report before I submitted it to our client.
Those are just a few ways you could do it. 👍🏻

if pay enough as incentive to continue at a job you do not enjoy ?

It depends on the person. If I needed to make a lot of money in a hurry (e.g., to buy a new car), I would stay at a job I don't enjoy—until I made the money I needed. But eventually, I would look for a different job that I could commit to for a long time.
Liked by: tidakaktif

what does "dont know all the answers" mean? i really dont get it hehe thanks

It literally means that you don't know all the answers. In other words, you don't understand everything or know all the facts about everything. For example, if a child asked lots of questions (e.g., "Why is the sky blue?", "How do teeth grow?", "Why does my dog bark?"), you will eventually grow tired of all the questions and say, "I don't know all the answers."
Liked by: tidakaktif

hi, can you make me undersatand this sentence "I'm breakfast at tiffany's but this place is stricly in cold blood." (it's from Riverdale) Thanks.

"Breakfast at Tiffany's" and "In Cold Blood" are two famous works of the writer Truman Capote. "Breakfast at Tiffany's" is a beloved story that was turned into a famous movie of the same name (starring Audrey Hepburn), while "In Cold Blood" is a non-fiction book about four bloody murders. That sentence is basically saying "I'm high class (Tiffany's aka Tiffany & Co. is a world-famous jeweler), but this place is scary." In fact, doesn't Veronica say "I'm filled with dread" about Riverdale?

Credibility and accountability when we use these words in a sentence???

"Credibility" is the quality of being trusted and believed in: After breaking so many promises, the President has completely lost all *credibility.*
"Accountability" is a synonym for "responsibility": The politicians' lack of *accountability* for their corrupt actions has disgusted millions of voters who vow to replace them in the next election.

What do you mean by "I shall not want"?

If you're talking about the famous "I shall not want" from the Bible (Psalm 23:1), it means "I won't lack anything." The verse says "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." It means that the Lord (God) will provide everything I need.

My friends come over me and bring some food into my bedroom. Is it okay to tell them like "don't make my room dirty"? Is there other ways to say like that? Ps. Sorry for my bad grammar i will be so grateful if you correct it for me. Thank you so much

It's correct. You could also say "Try not to make my room dirty."
(And your grammar is fine.) 😎👍

What is ad hominem?

Literally, it means 'to the man,' and it means to attack your opponent's character instead of answering their argument or pointing out a logical flaw in their case. For example, if you're debating someone about global warming and you criticize your opponent's extra-marital affair from six years ago instead of rebutting his arguments, it's an ad hominem attack.

Hello, what does "she can peg me with her stare" mean? Thanks.

It means that she is using her intense/powerful stare to attack you. ("Peg" can mean to 'strike' or 'hit.')

Can you please give an example of simple present and present continuous used in the same sentence? Thanks

"Since it's Friday, I ASSUME (simple present) that you ARE WORKING OUT (present continuous) at the gym." 🏋🏻
Liked by: Ajeng

"I am thinking of preparing" or "I am thinking to prepare"

"I am thinking of preparing."
"Thinking of" + -ing is a common phrase than means 'considering':
- I am thinking of moving to Japan.
- She is thinking of buying a new laptop. 💻
- We are thinking of eating ramen for lunch. 🍜

"I am thinking of opening a new store. Please help me to find the place". Is this correct?

Almost. The second sentence should be something like "Please help me find the best place" or "Please help me find the ideal location." (💁🏻 Don't use "to" after "help"; it's not necessarily wrong, but native speakers/writers don't use it.)

Hi again, I just want to know what this phrase means, "to cut right to the core with his heavy questions"? Thanks.

Hi. It basically means that someone is asking very direct questions that get straight to the point. For example, if it's a job interview, the interviewer isn't wasting time asking any questions just to break the ice. Instead, he is asking the most important questions first, e.g., "What makes you a good candidate to work at this company?" "What can you contribute to this company?" "Why did you apply for this position?"


Language: English