
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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heyy just to seek for ur opinion . im goin to take a level for science . and insyaAllah goin to further in medicine . im choosing bio , chemist n math . but for physics/ futher math ? which one is easier ?

Hi :)
Normally my friends who went for Medicine through A-Levels sat for Maths, Biology, Physics and Chemistry. You may opt to take Further Maths if you want to. I don't know how hard Further Maths is (never had the chance to take it when I was doing A-Levels), but Physics is pretty easy and fun if you like it :)

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Kalau kat sini kita mmg taktau ke sape follower kita?

Nope. Boleh tengok total followers je berapa ramai. Siapa followers tu tak tahu la.

Hello again sis! :) I've taken my SAT Test this June before and let say I'm gonna retest, do I have to submit both of the scores or just one of the two that I favor more?

Hello :)
When you register for an SAT test, you will get four (if they still have not changed it) free score reports to send to any universities / colleges that you want to. And say, if you take another SAT test, you will get yet another four free score reports to send. With the second test / retest that you take, College Board will send both tests (old and new) that you take. The universities then will choose which scores to take into account.
So, for example, if you're applying to 4 or less universities, just use both free score reports and send them to your chosen universities, just so they have it in their records.
But if you're applying to more than 4, well, make a smart choice. If your previous scores are already good enough for a particular university, there's no need to resend another one to them. But if your universities put a high emphasis on SAT scores (like Ivy Leagues or Ivy League standards), then resending both scores will be a good choice.
Some universities allow students to mix and match partial scores from different test dates (aka, using a CR score from a first test and a Math score from a second test to get a higher combined score). Others, on the other hand, will only look at the test date with the highest score. (ie you get a total of 1980 on one test, and 1890 on another, despite one of them having an 800, they will only choose the highest one).
If you're applying to a university that allows you to mix and match partial scores from different test dates, it's better to submit both scores (especially if they add up to a higher total score). :)
Hope this answers your question and pardon the long explanation :P

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ADFP ni kena belajar macam sampai gila baru boleh score 3.5 ke atas?

Apa-apa pun kena lah belajar kalau nak score.

IELTS susah tak? Akak dapat berapa IELTS?

Semua benda susah kalau tak belajar dik/bang/kak oi. :)
Akak dapat 7.5 overall.

Susah tak ADFP?

Tutup mata pun boleh je score CGPA 3.5 and above.
Semua benda memang la susah kalau malas belajar. Kalau rajin, okay je, takde la susah mana.
Liked by: hazim zakariya

the lecturers or professors dont give a damn kalau kita dtg or tak dtg any of their classes right?

Nope. Though smaller discussions kadang-kadang ada attendance la kalau attendance is compulsory. But big lectures tak kisah.

If there were a book about your life, what the cover would look like?

My cute and adorable face, of course.

kak syaza, nak tanya something. can i go to any class, without registering it, and just listen to the lecture without taking the test in US colleges. meaning that, i dont have to take it as minor while still focusing to my major. just a class for fun, no credit or whatever.

Yep. Boleh je. I did that a few times. :P Hahaha.

sori..bukan sy taknak tanya ostat ostajah ask fm tp takde siapa on skrg:') ada sis je yg on dkt ask fm sy skrg..jd tak apa kan sy tanya sis..hehehe..haah tak pegang alquran. mekasih sis !

Ahahaha. Okay okay. It should be fine la, as far as I know.

Haha I was just confused by all this universities as they have sort of different deadlines. But yeah thanks though. Gotta get myself gear up for the upcoming application process.

Hahaha, no worries. You're welcome, and good luck! All the best for your applications! Let me know if you need anything else :)

salam. hi sis. boleh tak kalau kita takde wudhu tp kita baca surah amalan mcm surah al kahfi?

Wa'alaikumsalam. Kalau tak pegang Quran, insyaAllah boleh je rasanya. Wallahualam. Boleh tanya yang lagi berilmu dalam hal ini la agaknya ye.

apa maksud ADFP Programme?

American Degree Foundation Program = ADFP.
A preparatory program aimed to prepare students to study in universities in the US and Canada (as well as a bunch of other countries as well, but mostly the States and Canada).

Hi sis :) InshaaAllah I'll probably be applying to the universities for Fall 2015 admission. Is it possible for me to use the score for SAT Test sit on December 2014? Thank you for your help really appreciate it!

Hello :) Of course you can. People even used SAT Test sat in September / October to apply for admission for the following year (I mean, when else are you supposed to sit for SAT then, if you need to send in your application at least half a year before you actually enroll in university?)

Assalamualaikum akak:) I'll be doing a-level under mara soon. Nak tanya, kalau ielts tak lepas for mara's requirement tapi lepas utk universities i applied, boleh fly ke idok? * let say that i get 13 points and above*

Wa'alaikumsalam. Nope, you wouldn't be able to fly off. Your main aim is to fulfill all the requirements by your sponsor. So even if you get an offer from any universities and all, if you still can't fulfill the requirements by your sponsor (IELTS / TOEFL, SAT, CGPA / A-Levels points, etc), well, sit for it again if you can.


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