
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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I honestly think it's better for you to ignore those questions about the 'couple is haram' sort of thing. I seriously can't think what kind of person would ask someone that private question openly on social media. The fact that they asked those questions here as anonymous is what makes my blood boil

Peace (Y)
Liked by: Haziq Ghafar

Just wanna say, you've helped me out a lot these days. Anything I can do to return the favor?

Everything that's good came from God. It's sufficient enough to just thank God for everything He's done for you:)

Who knows the most about you?

If we're talking about a living human being, I would say Faghira Afrina.

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ujian psikometri yg mara suruh buat tuh untuk apa? kalau dah buat test tuh kena print apa2 tak

Taktahu. MARA every year tukar proses so kiteorang taktahu ye.

Apa nama kawan akk yg ambil dip kat unikl tu? Yg join google hangout tu? Nk fb atau twitter dia ada benda nk tanya :)

Facebook Wan Mohamad Ali. Twitter @WMAli_ :)

About the Q introduce yourself, should i get personal or just touch on the surface?

It's more of your personal choice. Some people would want to go more personal, others not so. It depends on you.

Assalam akak. Nk tnye nih, sy dpt phone interview nie. Ade x tips untuk excel dlm phone interview. Pihak dia akn assess dlm English proficiency. Hope akak dpt membantu dlm hal nih.

Wa'alaikumsalam. Phone interview lebih kurang sama dengan interview biasa / Skype interview. Pastikan masa interview tu duduk straight up macam masa interview biasa, jangan baring kat katil or whatsoever. Suara tu biar professional. Since it's a phone interview, it would be easier for you, since you can prepare your answers before hand.
So to make it handy;
1) Either have a laptop / a notebook in front of you.
2) Type up or write out the answers (or points that you would want to make) to common interview questions like "So, introduce yourself." or "What makes you special compared to the others?" or "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" and things like that.
3) Before your interview, practice reading out the answers.
4) Ensure that you speak CLEARLY and SLOWLY, making sure that your answers are easy to understand.
5) Ensure that you are in a QUIET room without any music in the background or excessive noise (construction work, party in the background, etc)
6) Say thank you at the end.
Hope this helps a little bit. And for a more general info on interviews and stuff, you can read this post: http://www.syazanazura.com/2014/04/askfm-faqs-2-scholarships-interviews.html

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Liked by: Haniiii Haziq Ghafar

Ada kenalan kau yang dah gi Newcastle University tak? -borabora-

Newcastle... Tak ingat, but I think should be ada kot.

So during iv, jpa akan tanya la which uni would i choose?

Boleh try tanya students JPA la kot pasal Interview session.

Lets say if im a jpa scholars, kita boleh pick tak uni mana yang kita nak study if pergi oversea?

JPA nak top50 ke top100 university in the world. So, yeah.

cmne nak vote akak pnye vid tu?? :)))

Eh, takde video. Blog je :)
1) Pergi www.wwwow.my and login pakai Facebook / Twitter / Google+ account.
2) Kat search box atas tu, search 'Syaza Nazura'.
3) Cari entri akak 'Syaza Nazura binti Noor Azmi' and tekan.
4) Scroll down and tekan vote.
Vote pakai tiga2 account (kalau ada), and datang balik esok untuk vote lagi :D

What makes you wake up each morning?

The fact that I have to go to class, or that I'm super hungry and I need food. Or the fact that my roommate's alarm is loud and it's not fun listening to Hindi music in the morning when you're cranky. Or the fact that I really need to go to the toilet.


Language: English