
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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salam. plez balas. sangat2 buntu..saya nak asasi farmasi dekat uia. tapi dia nak biology B+ .. saya dapat bio B je. kriteria yg lain saya lepas. yang Biology je,, patut ke saya mohon? saya betul2 nak farmasi

Waalaikumsalam. Kalau Biology B susah sikit kot.

akak apa beza mara n jpa ? im sorry for asking this :/

MARA pinjaman. Only for bumiputera. Lepas graduate kena bayar balik, percentage kena bayar depends on results. Kalau score, either bayar sikit (program luar negara) or tukar jadi scholarship (local, IPTS)
JPA scholarship. Open to all. Lepas graduate tak payah bayar. Ada bond dengan kerajaan. Kalau kena panggil dengan kerajaan untuk kerja, kena pergi.

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Intec tu mcm matriks ke?

Tak sangat. INTEC tu a preparatory college. Most students kat situ ambil preparation program to go abroad.

okay. then goodnight. gonna keep the qs coming tmrw :) Thanks a lot for sharing all those information :)

No problem. I might be a bit busy tomorrow since I have a paper due on Monday, and another paper due Tuesday, but just fire away with all the questions and I'll see what I can do :)

at what time you'll be sleeping? because I have lots to ask. hehehe. sorry

Don't know. Was planning to go to sleep already, actually.
Liked by: animalia

akak,boleh tau tak cost of living utk semua uni ni: (hehehe) 1. UW-Madison 2. penn state 3. UC berkeley 4. UMichigan 5.UChicago (sorry, i've made the research but tak jelas sgt, if u have ur friends there, it's highly appreciated if u cud share) thanks in advance

Nak tahu cost of living yang macam mana?
1) Penn State -> tanya Babad (www.twitter.com/DanialAzrin).
2) UMichigan -> tanya Nazran (www.twitter.com/khairulnazran).
3) UC Berkeley -> boleh cuba message JJ on Facebook (and cakap I referred you to him) and tanya dia (https://www.facebook.com/oonjt?fref=ts)
4) UChicago (sorry, can't recall anyone I know who's there, tak ingat)

Salam, akak do you have any friends that took A-level or ausmat or sam at any places like INTEC, Taylors privately. I would ilke to know them to ask them some important question. Tq kak Syaza

Wa'alaikumsalam. Tak pernah pulak specifically tanya if dyorang private ke tak, sebab rasa macam tak patut tanya je? Tapi boleh try tanya @iwaninasir (A-Levels INTEC), or @RajaSafarin56 (AUSMAT INTEC) if any of their friends buat kat INTEC privately. Sebab even if I kenal bebudak A-Levels and AUSMAT INTEC tu, I tak tahu if dyorang sponsored (like most of the people in our batch are) or private.
Liked by: ΛVICII ◢◤

but still it depends on uni jugak kan? I mean on and off campus option. ke generally semua sama?

Generally la. Some universities specifykan that first year students KENA duduk on campus. Tapi tak tahu how the fees and everything is settled la. But generally macam tu jugak la, off or on campus tu.

kak syaza, bagi tips macam mna nak mantapkan english saya dr segi writing dgn speaking..saya risau la da nak final sem 2 nii.. :( band saya below 6.

One word: Practice.
Kalau tak practice, sampai bila pun tak boleh nak improve. Jangan takut untuk cuba. Jangan takut untuk buat mistakes. Kalau nak tunggu sampai perfect baru nak start writing and speaking in English, sampai bila la baru nak start. :)
Liked by: hvnvni

akak rse kalau nak amek economics kat us, uni mne yg the best (based on ur recommendation or ur friends' experiences ke) based on SAT score 1900++ n toefl score 100?

Depends on personal taste la. Minnesota best. Michigan best (sebab ada twin aku). Penn State best. Wisconsin-Madison lagi best (sebab ada aku). Yang lain pun best. Depends on personal taste, nak bandar tak bandar, nak tepi tasik or kat tengah2 city, nak duduk town kecil or bandar besar, nak duduk campus town or nak tempat yang university buildings scattered all over the place.

At your university, accommodation mcm hostels, provided ke kena rent apartment kat luar? and the fees included dgn study fees ke?

Accommodation depends on you, if you want to stay on or off campus. On campus housing generally more expensive. Off campus, it depends if you want to live in a high-rise and 'nice' apartments or normal apartments (house-like). Fees for on-campus housing not included in the study / tuition fees. Tuition fees payable to the Bursar office, housing fees payable to UW-Housing :)

Kenapa kak syaza pilih US? Why MARA but not JPA? Betul ke pemilihan untuk dpt biasiswa JPA mostly based on result SPM?

Why US? -> http://www.syazanazura.com/2013/11/why-study-in-usa.html
Why MARA? -> Well, to be honest, I tak tahu pun JPA buka until dah tutup. And MARA pun, I mohon separuh jalan je. Tak hantar esei, tak isi fully application tu. Tup tup dapat pergi interview juga. Cuma mula-mula dulu tak dapat la first choice (Actuarial Science), so I appealed for Economics kat US. Bila dah masuk INTEC baru re-appeal to change to Actuarial Science, and Alhamdulillah dapat tukar.
And pasal JPA tu, tak jugak. Depends rezeki gak. Results gempak pun kekadang tak dapat.

Haha i mean fb dia ke, senang nk contact :)

Nak laki, nak perempuan? Nak specific university ke in general je?

Do you think perempuan kena kawin awal? Why?

Ikut diri sendiri. Kalau dah jumpa calon yang sesuai, kalau dah berkenan and mampu, kahwin je la. Senang sikit.
Why? Kalau dua-dua dah berkenan kat each other and belajar kat luar negara, at least tak ada la terjebak dengan aktiviti tak sepatutnya. Takde la orang pandang serong kalau nak pergi travel sesama. Sweet sikit nak travel berdua *hikhik*.
(ada banyak lagi sebab tapi malas nak list out semua)

Hey, kalau UK kan ada firm uni and insurance for back up. US tak boleh buat cmtu ke? I mean kalau nak accept dua unI can?

Nope. US accept satu university je.
(technically, boleh je aku rasa nak accept dua, but why nak accept dua kalau kau nak pergi satu je? Sebab nak 'accept' offer tu pun kena bayar okay, so baik save duit. And offers kebiasaannya unconditional pun. Unless buat A-Levels, then MAYBE ada conditional offers (tak sure). But yeah. Deadline untuk accept offer US universities normally around May for Fall intakes (August/September), so by then dah boleh buat decision dah)


Language: English