
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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akak lets say klo kitorang semue yang x dpt scholarship mara ni . lpas nie ade jalan biasiswa lgi ke nak gi oversea :'( ?

Wahai adikku sayang, kalau korang dapat pun pinjaman MARA or biasiswa JPA tu, tak semestinya korang akan fly jugak. Ada je yang tak lepas nak fly ke luar negara.
Ultimately kalau korang betul2 nak ah pergi luar negara, masuklah matriks ke, STPM ke, buat A-Levels or IB or ADP privately, and then tengok la university mana kat luar negara yang korang nak pergi. RESEARCH itu penting, jangan sampai korang menunggu orang lain yang bagitahu nak apply macam mana, apa requirements yang korang kena fulfill. Then nanti lepas pre-uni tu, kalau dah dapat offer nak pergi luar negara, apply la scholarships or pinjaman lagi. Bukannya lepas SPM je yang boleh apply scholarships semua ni.
Liked by: Haziq Ghafar

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mcm mane nk buat rayuan tuk mara

Tunggulah MARA bukak permohonan untuk rayuan tu, nanti apply la. Offer MARA pun tak keluar lagi, rilek

After kak habis a level, do u need to apply the U at overseas yrself or mara uruskan?

Apply sendiri lerrr. Nothing comes that easy in life

Comel gila link kan semua post, taktik nak tambah hit blog ke ape? Haha. Tapi seriously kak syaza, untuk soalan self introduction kena cakap apa je without sounding like you're bragging? Thanks!

Sebab sekarang tengah on kat Kindle, not at laptop. So tak best nak type panjang2.
Untuk self introduction tu, masa tu la jual diri sendiri. Cakap your strengths and weaknesses, your passions and interests semua tu. :)

Time nazu mara mcm mana pulak?Dari terima tawaran sampai dah berjaya dpt mara.Bagiatau sikit proses time nazu mcm mn

Yaaaassss! *sep sikit* :3 (though to be quite honest they aren't at their best state right now as compared to their full team in 2010) Hup Holland, hup!

Ahahaha takpe still sayang Holland :)

I want to be like you!!! Thn ni SPM D:

When you say you rrally want to be like someone else, it's as if you don't trust yourself to be just as great. So instead of trying to be like someone else, be the best YOU that you can be, 'cause only you can do that:)
Good luck for SPM :)

salam, akak.. sye speaking okey. tapi, problem skit dlam listening. sya lambt pick up especially mat salleh yg ckp. so, boley akak bagi tips skit? thank you!! :) :D

Waalaikumsalam. Tengok movie English tanpa subtitles, :)

No doubt if people always turn you down by their little rude word because of their jealousy towards u and ur achievement. I bet u dont simply take it as a thing that will demotivated you, right? I always look up to you Syaza like seriously. I felt very grateful as ALLAH met me with u. Tq kak.

All good things come from God, and all the bad things I've said and done are from my own mistakes. When one person comes up to you and say bad things about you, you take it in as a motivation, an opportunity to improve. And remember that for every single person that hates you, there's 10 more people out there that love you.
I do not live to please other people. I can only please one person each day, and I choose to please myself. So why the h*** would I spend so much time worrying over what other people say about me? ^^
Peace (Y)
Liked by: Eiko Takeda

As'salam . kak macam mana nak tingkatkan language kita ? sebab sekeliling saya hanya bercakap bahasa ibunda . orang kampung kak =)

Waalaikumsalam. Practice. Selagi tak practice, selagi tu tak boleh nak improve. Cuba la cakap sikit2, dengan diri sendiri ke, dengan kawan ke, depan cermin ke.

Do you think it was worth all your efforts to get straight A+ in SPM? Does it contribute to how you are now?

To be entirely honest, I didn't really think I put enough effort to actually get that 9A+ for SPM.

What's the biggest challenge you faced in the States so far?

Being away from my family, him and friends.

There are many mediums that they can use to give that kind of advice yet they choose here. Seriously? Haven't they ever heard of private message in Twitter? FB? EMAIL? Somewhere that can't be viewed by public? Because the way they give their 'advice' here is like they are trying to bring you down.

Perhaps one of the reasons is that they might feel like they don't know me personally enough to actually email / message me on Twitter or Facebook to talk about this thing. So that's perhaps the reason (one of many) that they chose to use ask.fm. Who knows? :)


Language: English