
Syaza Nazura

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Klu SAT and ielts, INTEC uruskan ke?? Sendiri??

AzfarIsmail’s Profile PhotoEiko Takeda
Emm. INTEC sekadar tolong handlekan and tolong dengan process je. SAT yang I know sendiri la. IELTS I tak sure sangat, sebab TOEFL INTEC yang buatkan.
Liked by: Eiko Takeda

How many majors are there in INTEC??

AzfarIsmail’s Profile PhotoEiko Takeda
A lot. In ADFP alone there's like... emmm... *counting* 15-ish? (This is if you considered all types of engineering like mechy or chemy all fall under one big Engineering, and the Pure Science majors are considered as one as well)
Liked by: Eiko Takeda

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subjek tu kite sendiri pilih ke atau intec pilihkan bedasarkan course kite?

INTEC decide based on majors.

Who do you trust most in your life?

Ultimately, God.
But if you're referring to a person, pretty much my parents and brother. And him as well.

not really like fashion???ar u kidding me?

I'm being honest. I mean, I'm never the type of girl who goes out and trying to buy all the dresses and clothes that are branded and stuff. I buy clothes that fit well and feels nice, and that's basically it. :)

Are u happy with your life now? Any reason to support?

I guess so. I mean, sometimes I wish it could be better, but then again, it could be so much worse. So, I'm good with my life :)
I'm good with the supportive parents and brothers that I have, the crazy aunts and uncles and cousins that I have, the completely immature guy that cares for me, the awesome friends I have around me, the weird habit that I have.
Basically, I'm just happy with everything God Gave me. :)

masa akak apply mara dulu,apa first choice and second choice akak?

First choice Act Sci. Second Economics. Both in US.

Syaza, I'm currently taking my diploma in Malaysia. Having a plan to continue my degree here and pursue Master Degree kat UK. But I don't really know how to. Sbb kalau kat sini pun I'm taking PTPTN sbb my both parents are Penduduk Tetap from Indonesia. You know any scholarship that may help me?

There's quite a lot of possible ways to pursue your Masters abroad. A lot of companies and scholarships are available, depending on your courses. :)

Kak Syaza, I have a problem which is I'm easily fascinated with white people and I don't know WHY. It's like when I'm walking with my friends at KLCC or something and I see white people and I'll be like:"OMIGOD, LOOK! WHITE PEOPLE!!!" like we're in a zoo or something. How to make this go away???

Cuba fikir,the White people jumpa korang and go like, "OMG, MELEIS!" Hahahahha.
Biasa ah tu. Rilek dah la.
Nanti pergi overseas, kalau jumpa orang Malaysia, you will be like, OMG MALAYSIANS LAH WEH. xD

kak syaza, pernah masuk debate tak? okay, hmm i need your help. as a first speaker, what would ur introduction be? and how to elaborate points? i really suck at this and tomorrow is the competition, my effort in finding the points slowly fading awaaaaayy omg i feel like giving up help kak

Lol I'm no debater kiddo, hikhik. Tapi biasanya first speaker, dyorang bagi definitions of the motion, like, define the motion based on how you guys view the topic. Then bagi satu point from your side la.

boleh buat x satu post tentang important of softs skills among students kat blog? untuk students supaya mereka lebih bersedia untuk melangkah ke alam pekerjaan nanti..tq

InsyaAllah. Can I do it next week, during my Spring Break? I'll make a note on my desk about it! :D Come back and ask about it probably around March 20th, and I'll let you know :)

Biasanya dalam kuliah almost ada student yg tidak berani nak bagi opinion and idea. Dan juga,bila nak menyatakan bantahan atau tidak bersetuju mengenai sesuatu perkara dan mempertahankan hujah. Kita hanya diam kononnya tanda setuju padahal tak setuju. How to solve this, utk kita jd berani berhujah?

Kalau fikir balik, sanggup ke tahan rasa tak selesa or rasa marah, kalau orang buat benda yang kita tak bersetuju? Sebab, bagi aku la, rasa tak selesa or rasa marah tu mengalahkan rasa takut nak suarakan pendapat, sebab tu biasanya kalau aku tak setuju, aku lepaskan je semua. Sebab aku tahu nanti aku jadi lagi emo -.-'
Hmm, some of the things you can probably do are:
1) Kalau takut nak suarakan pendapat time perbincangan, take it slow dulu. Tulis dulu apa hujah2 nak balas or pendapat nak bagi. Bila dah ada yang solid explanation tu, kalau still tak berani nak cakap kuat-kuat, try slowly with the person next to you. Cakap dengan sorang dua dulu. Practice suarakan pendapat.
Aku buat macam ni la dalam discussion Calculus 3 aku. Awal-awal macam kalau tak faham, senyap je. Balik bilik baru aku tengok balik. But slowly, aku get to know budak perempuan sebelah aku, then borak-borak and kadang-kadang tanya soalan kat dia. Slowly, berani gak la nak suarakan pertanyaan kuat-kuat dalam kelas kat prof / TA
2) Remember that nothing is a stupid question.
Tanya je apa-apa soalan pun. Kalau rasa benda tu bodoh mana sekalipun, tanya je. Macam aku haritu, aku (agak) memalukan diri dalam lecture Calculus 3, di mana ada lebih kurang 200-300 pelajar dalam hall tu. All because aku salah tengok sign (positive negative). Tapi tak apa, you learn from your mistakes. Apa-apa pun soalan, tanya je. Kalau nak klarifikasi, minta.
3) Ingat, kalau anda terfikir soalan tu dalam kepala, ada kemungkinan besar orang lain pun nak bertanya soalan yang sama. So, jangan rasa malu, jangan rasa segan. Suck it up and ask.
4) Pupuk sikap suka bertanya dalam diri sendiri. Apa-apa benda pun, jangan terima tanya usul periksa. Lagi-lagi kalau perkara penting yang melibatkan fakta. Lagilah kena sahkan.
5) Train yourself and be consistent.
Kalau dalam lecture, boleh start slow. Mulakan dengan satu soalan setiap minggu. Kalau dah okay, satu soalan setiap dua tiga hari. And then, ask questions every single lecture.
Kalau bab hujah dalam kumpulan ke apa, start slow juga. Start by trying to voice out your opinion at every meeting. Cakap sekali pun jadi la. Then, boleh try cakap even more, dua tiga kali ke.
6) Remember the rule of three.
Don't let 3 people talk / ask questions / give their opinions pass without you speaking in a group meeting, and don't leave a meeting without asking at least 3 questions / stating 3 opinions / etc.

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