
Your next Girlfriend.♥

Ask @sweetgaby69

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well I like you noth that joke. Just answer that you dont like it, is that hard?

Yeah,it`s hard.
I don`t want to tell private things to everyone.

define far from perfect

look. ;d
PERFECT. <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- me ;D

Well you write Ask me something,badass! so at least you can answer the questions truthfully and dont tell a stupid joke

If u don`t like my jokes/me etc.
You can go away from my ask.
I won`t answer personal questions.Why all planet needs to know what type of underwear i`m wearing?

Favorite type of food, do you dip dye your hair (it's gorgeous!)? xx

haven`t got fav. ;)
yeah,i do.
thanks! =)

It's sad that people don't answer the questions truthfully

it`s sad that you want to know personal things.

yes . If you have to tell that your joke is a joke, don't tell them, otherwise it's just sad

just go away,ok? =)

I feel sorry for your grandma, you stealing her underwear

i feel sorry for you,because you don`t understand jokes.

1) something you regret? 2) favourite drink? 3) something you've always wanted to try? (: X

1.There`s meny things.
3.Bungee jump.

Maybe you should check for some thongs, instead for wearing your grandma's underwear.

but i like my grandma`s underwear,so shut the fuck up. ;*


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