

Ask @supanut2000

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why does mabelle keep telling me how she wants to swallow your cum? she wants you nut!

I'm not sure about that, but plz do not use this to annoy me at school, especially saying something along the line that I like her or something cuz that's not true at all.

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What habit that others have annoys you most?

Always saying that I like some girls even though it isn't even true, and saying that I'm fat.

I meant happiest and saddest that you've experienced so far in your Iife

Yeah I understand, but I don't have any that stands out right now.

what was the happiest day of your life? saddest?

Happiest day of my life? None as of yet though.
Saddest? Also none as of yet.

Why do idiots feel sad when someone famous dies and meanwhile nobody cares about the starving children dying in Africa everyday. Do you think it's fair?

I don't know.

Obesity over took smoking as the greatest cause of preventable death. Then WHY is it socially acceptable to warn a smoker not acceptable to warn a fat person? smoking is an actual physiological addiction but eating is just a wimpy physiological addiction like the internet.

I don't know anything about that.

Do you think suicide is a cowardly act? Life gives you so many opportunities to deal with or leave te problems and then you choose suicide. Do you think it's a cowards way out?

Yes it is

Who do you trust more, your friends or your parents?

Both equally, but I will of course give the highest trust to my parents.


Language: English