

Ask @supanut2000

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What is your favorite restaurant in the world?

Um probably many; Fuji, some other Japanese restaurants, to name just a few.

what would you do if your maid broke your desktop

Cares ; I'd just fine them or get my dad to buy a replacement ; simple like a piece of cake ; my dad knew that my desktop is my life and...he will most likely buy a new one. If it came with Windows 8 I simply replace it with Windows 7 MUAHAHAHA.

Which country do you want to visit?

Any, except those where conflicts are going on and where they're not really open to tourists.

what do you want to be in the future?

I'm not sure yet; but I'm interested in plate tectonics, volcanoes and stuff like that.

Which languages do you understand or speak?

I mostly speak English, but I can speak Thai (ofc) and a bit of French.

Are u blind since birth?

Not really, but since very young.
BTW, who are you; please post using your ask.fm account, if you have one.

What is (or was) your favorite class in school?

Favorite? IB classes are hard...so I dont think there's any favorite.


Language: English