

Ask @supanut2000

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do you like older or younger girls

I'm trying to make friends with younger kids; I knew at least 2 girls in year 7 that I talked to almost every lunch.

who are the trolls please name them

Probably many and sometimes people in the trolls depends. E.G Jade and Mee were use to be trolls in my opinion, but their activity has been very calm regarding the matter recently.

how many times have you fallen in love

Probably many; but...I'm thinking of putting more serious effort into love, since I'm now 18.

yo nut. who are your favourite friends who are boys in year 12

I have no idea; probably Divij and Jeremy Ray. I can't really decide...

I heard you cheated int the exams as you went on the internet on your laptop

There's no internet in the exam hall, so there's no way I can get on to the internet. LEARN THE FACTS FIRST BEFORE SUBMITTING QUESTIONS.

to be honest.. the junta are doing a much better job at running the country than the past govts..


If you could have dinner with any political figure, dead or alive, who would you pick?

No one! No one in Thai politics are that interesting. I could go with some PDRC leaders, but...seriously...I'm not a hardline PDRC supporter, since I didn't join their protests often, despite the fact that I support their reformist ideals.


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