

Ask @supanut2000

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You don't think so? Any simple googling will yield concerning figures about thailand's lese majeste figures. Please look them up before answering


Hard line royalists do not reserve the right to just censor someone just because their opinions do not match.


If you are censoring someone. You are violating their rights and expression. End of story. Lese majeste laws have been abused too much. It is used even against those who have never ever violated the law but used by those that do not want their power challenged.


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Nut those jokes were created by you how do you not remember?!?!?!

Maybe it's me, but I believe it's the trolls who posted silly messages on here.

Thailand has one of the highest convictions due to lese majeste. In countries with a better internet freedom index, the figures a much lower. Don't you think the law is being abused too much? I.e I can just simply accuse you of it and you'll go to jail without a FAIR trial.

I don't think so.

Leaw majeste laws are medieval. They do not belong in a modern society. Many people have Ben jailed by political opponents just because they opposed them. This happens a lot. Please research.

Well, I think no more research shall be done. The law is there to protect the country's highest institution. And, I don't really want to talk about this anymore.

It is not offending when you disagree. Freedom if speech is the right of all. Even if that means insults as it is still an opinion.

Well, you know how the hardline royalists feel when their loved institution is being affended. Personally I would feel the same, as I'm amongst one of them.

Why should section 112 exist? The UK doesn't have one. What reason is there that we need one?

Because we all love the highest institution of the country. I'm thinking to go ahead and like the Rubish Collection Organization's page which seeks to take action against the anti-mornachists, but I don't have the link at hands at the moment.

What is your stance on Internet freedom? Should websites be blocked just because one disagrees with another'a opinion?

Disagreeing with someone's opinion is one thing, but affending the country's highest institution is another thing. You can't combine that into 1.

Do you think lese majeste laws should be abolished? The abuse of this law by both sides of the political spectrum is a major concern for the UN.

Nope. I do support that law, as I'm amongst the royalists who loved the country's highest institution.

Internet censorship is a very VERY BIG thing in this country. Please research and answer my question again. I recommend the Freedom against Censorship in Thailand website.

Section 112 is there to protect the country's highest institution, so...guess what, cares to that question, as the section is there for a reason.

your thoughts on internet censorship in Thailand? Should ALL sites be unblocked? Once they take away one right of ours, it makes it easier for them to do more.

I don't think internet censorship exists here, unless for sites that violated section 112 of the criminal code of course.

I'm pretty sure the "trolls" have done that numerous times and nobody really helped you cuz you're really annoying

Well, it's cuz I don't ask for help. I think next time, I may try to ask for help from someone that I think might help.

How will these "people" help you when the trolls attack?

idk, but if the trolls post stupid comments on Facebook, I can simply tag those people who I think might help and to tell the trolls to stop. But if in school, I can try to call to those people that I think might help.

do you know that there are more than 20 million trolls worldwide in every single country? We will be launching something soon.....

I'm sure I got some people in STA that will help me out. They might not be in year 12, but...I can ask for their help if needed.

time to troll on tumblr

Well, I would still use ask.fm as the main place, since once I answered the questions, they're not publically displayed. So...for you trolls, there's virtually no poing trolling on Tumblr, so just stick to ask.fm.


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