
Sarah Klein

Ask @Sklein

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What girl friend can you come to?

Honestly, I could come to anyone of my girls from Deer Run plus Chella, But the 3 that I know I can always count on no matter what happens is Lindsey, Lila and Chella. Those lovely ladies could tell you anything you wanted to know about me, Their the definition of perfect<3

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What guy friend can you come to?

Hands down, Sam Brewster. That kid has been there for me threw everything. He knows everything about me. I really wish I could see him more often but even though we don't see each other everyday or even every month, I still know I can come to him with anything. I trust him with my life.

TBH we don't talk much but you are really funny from when i have talked to you and im.not sure if you and dolan are dating but if you guys are i hope you guys the best and yeah you should talk to me more

Andrew crompton-nicholas
Yeah we are :) and thanks!! Message me Andrew

Tbh you're a really good friend of mine and already know what I think of you dumbass so I don't know why you liked this!!! Ya idiot :* you and Taylor or soooo cute and if he ever does anything I'll kill him :)

Thanks bb<33 text me A.S.A.P, I feel like I never talk to you anymore!!

Tbh, hi hi! You kinda glare at me when I come to beav but it's whatever cause we don't really know each other! I'm sure you've heard things that I said about you and I've heard things you've said about me, it's possible it might not all be true but whatever. Girls suck right. Yourecute!

teah fleury
Thanks? Lol!


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