
Solida Chem

Ask @silentkokoro

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What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

I can't remember. :T I'm Asian, so we have some weird dishes. I guess I'll just go with tarantula for now.

What is your favorite thing about someone in your family?

Just being able to dork around with them and stuff.

What is one of your weird quirks?

I'm really comfortable with people I don't know, and I like to touch them. (Not in a bad way) Like I wouldn't mind smacking them on the arm or just tickling them.
I love touching people's cheeks, too. Like squishing them or something. Welp.
Liked by: Cherelle

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What do you notice when you walk into someone's home for the first time?

Where do I put my shoes? Where do I go? Where did my friend go? Do I sit here? Do I stand up and wait? HI, PARENTS. DON'T MIND ME. Wheezeeeeeeeeee.

What is the worst first-impression you have ever made?

Spitting out bits of food because I was laughing too hard. Crai. ; A ;

What's one of the hardest decisions you've had to make in your lifetime?

To make my parents proud or to make me happy...

What are you most known for among your friends?

Being that dorky, bubbly girl. At least I think...

What's the most spontaneous/impulsive thing you've done in your life?

Blurt out too much information about myself because I'm so awkward.

What makes you feel more loved, when someone spends time with you, or when someone gives you a compliment?

Definitely people who spend time with me.

What is the most insulting gift you've ever received?

Never got many gifts, so I can't really say.

Do you "re-charge" yourself by being around other people, or do you need alone time?

It's a mixture of both, but I believe I'm better with people around because I don't like being sad around others, so I try my best to be happy.

What 2 things drive you crazy that people around you might do?

Smoking right in front of me. Being really rude.

What is the one thing you own you wish you didn’t?

A heart.
On a more serious note, many of my clothes. It was a waste of money. =\

If you were a wicked tyrant what country would you rule?

I can't picture myself as a tyrant, haha. It would probably be a tyrant of like stuffed animals...
Liked by: Cherelle

Is anyone on your bad side now?

Just a select few. I believe there are two people I truly do not want anymore contact with.

What irritates you most on the internet?

Some heavy trollers. And ignorant people who always stereotype. Oh, and sometimes people who say "Murica!" in a rude way.


Language: English