
Sentai Filmworks

Ask @SentaiFilmworks

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What's the difference between your complete collection of From the New World and the two parts? Just new artwork?

The content of the From the New World Complete Collection is the same as the previous two releases; however, it's consolidated into a single package.

Anything new to report about Chunibyo Heart Throb and also the bluray release of Infinite Stratos season 2? Will they be released anytime soon?

We won't report something THAT important on this platform, guys! Keep watching our news page (www.sentaifilmworks.com/news) or subscribe to our eNewsletter for new releases. :)

I really enjoy Akame Ga Kill this pass weekend. You guys did great. With the series now over, what shows would you and the rest of the Sentai Employees like to see air on Toonami in the future? For me, it will Black Bullet, Gate, Log Horizon, Beyond the Boundary and Chivalry of a Failed Knight.

Jefferies Herrera
These are all good suggestions and staff favorites to boot. However, we don't have any Toonami related news to report at this time, but if you're super passionate about a title making it on the block, we'd like to know!

Related users

Are there still people out there who think that anime is created in the States? If yes, may we cut them?

No, you may not cut them! Although it is a common misconception that the folks at Sentai Filmworks are responsible for making anime, we don't have any problem explaining that we're merely the folks who license it, package it, and deliver it to loving fans here in the US. Be nice!

Sentai has released a lot of great shows from Kyoto Animation, which series and character from them are your personal favorites? (including additional Sentai staff.)

Personal favorite is Beyond the Boundary, especially the hilarious idol episode. Around the office, it’s a tie between Love, Chunibyo, & Other Delusions and K-On!

Of course the sooner the better, but is there a specific cutoff to submit a job application? I see you added another listing recently!

The cutoff is technically when you don't see the posting anymore.

When can we expect a dub announcement for My Love Story? Just curious if you're already recording! *crosses fingers* PLEASE LET THE CAST INCLUDE MONICA RIAL AND TERRI DOTY!!!!!!!!!!!

Whoa, there! Let’s hold our horses. We barely announced this week that we were even going to do a dub. We certainly haven’t started casting, but chances are that we’ll do cast announcements similar to those we’ve done in the past.
Liked by: Katelyn Barr

What are the chances of another season of No Game No Life?

We certainly hope that Japan will make one! We’ll do our best to license it if they do!
Liked by: Palsa

Would love to see some Girls und Panzer shirts. What do you say Sentai think you can make it happen?

We can certainly look into it! A lot of factors go into merchandise and shirt choices including licensor approval, merchandising rights, etc. Until then, check out our currently available line of Sentai T-shirts and buttons!
Liked by: Palsa

First, I wish you a Merry Christmas. Second, what's the selection process for releasing collectors edition.

Paco Garza
The decision to make a CE depends on a lot of factors including viewership numbers during simulcast, feedback on social media, and show popularity.
If you’ve been following Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun, you’ll know that we put a lot of stock into fan feedback. So if you’re thinking that a certain show deserve a CE, please don’t hesitate to let us know on social!
Liked by: Palsa

Am I the only one who thinks Migi is cute? He's a cute, funny and interesting alien or maybe it's cause of the great performance by Brittany, but I just find Migi to be really cute. Am I the only one or do you guys feel this to about Migi?

I think Migi is freaking ADORABLE.

I just finished watching Log Horizon season 1 with Enlish dubbed and loved it! I tried watching season 2 subbed but it's just not the same. When will the dubbed version be released?!? I am stuck in a show hole right! Please help!

I con confirm that a dub for Log Horizon 2 is in the works, yes. As far as a release date, I couldn't give you an honest answer quite yet. Hopefully we'll have a more concrete date for you guys soon!

Any chance at all of licensing the Bodacious Space Pirates movie, Abyss of Hyperspace? :3 It would make my 2016 dream come true! :D

Oh ho ho! We’ve definitely had our eye on that property for quite some time now! We really enjoy it and are definitely looking into it. :)
Liked by: Palsa

Who's idea was this Lewd Lita shirt? Also, are there any more T-shirt designs in the pipelines? I'm pretty interested in more Parasyte designs, one of your KyoAni shows[including Hyouka, which I know you guys are going to get any day now! ;)] as well one of my favorite shows From The New World.

One of our awesome art department ladies came up with the Lewd Lita concept a few years ago for a special giveaway shirt at Anime Expo. People loved the design so much that we put it up for sale just a few months ago.
In fact, we have a bunch of other shirt designs available for purchase from shows like Akame ga Kill!, Parasyte, Danmachi and more! Check them out here: http://bit.ly/SentaiShirts
Liked by: Erin Renate Palsa

What was your favorite anime this year you guys got licensed?

I would have to say SCHOOL-LIVE! Very good little show with an amazing, out of nowhere twist at the end of the first episode. Even those who knew about the twist have sung its praises, so you know it's gotta be good. There's just something about the strange mix of genres in the show that give it a refreshing vibe, as if you're watching something for the first time ever...good stuff.
Liked by: Palsa Duelist

I noticed that your Sentai Selects label have also included license rescues like Angelic Layer (which was previously with ADV). Have you considered acquiring other 'out of print' titles like Azumanga Daioh and City Hunter?

Angelic Layer was a pretty good pick up wasn't it? Yes, we have definitely considered older classic titles that may need rescuing. As for naming any in particular, you'll just have to wait and see. ;)

Do you guys know when the Log Horizon season 2 dub will be released? I've been researching but there is literally nothing on the subject on the dub of season 2. Can you guys please confirm? Its one of my favorites and I'll pick it up on DVD/Bluray right away when it is released? thank you.

Edward Modicue
I con confirm that a dub for Log Horizon 2 is in the works, yes. As far as a release date, I couldn't give you an honest answer quite yet. Hopefully we'll have a more concrete date for you guys soon!


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