
Sentai Filmworks

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You have probably gotten this question before but will there ever be a Btooom! season 2?

We don't know, actually. We only find out about season 2's when Japan announces them.

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Hello sentai! Do you guys still re-visit older anime you have already released in sub only to do dubs? One of my favorites was Maoyu, has anyone ever requested you dub this one? If not can I be the first? Please consider Maoyu for a dub re-release :) thank you for all you do!

William cortegiano
You're not the first to request Maoyu (it's a favorite of ours too. The two mains have the most adorable chemistry). However, at this time, we are not currently planning to re-release it as a dub. As always, fans are welcome to come together to collectively request which of our previously released titles should have dubs.

I am also really hoping to see the soundtracks (there were 2) released in the Limited Edition of set 2 of Parasyte as well as maybe something else a little more worthwhile-feeling than the tattoos and lens cloth. I love you guys, I just crave imo a more awesome product for my money :)

Thanks for feedback! [thumbs up]

First off, thank you so much for giving My Love Story!! a dub! I squee'd pretty hard when finding that out earlier today. Secondly, what was your reaction upon securing the Persona 4 license? What's it like working on such a big title like that, with all the high expectations that come with it?

Reaction? It was a lot like, "SQUEEEEEEE OMGOMGOMGOMG."

Do you guys have plans to release more Parasyte merch? I feel like I want to buy stuff closer to what were in those grab bags only like 2 people were able to win.. Migi figures n plushes and junk maybe

Definitely looking into getting you guys more Migi the future. The form that the merchandise takes (figures n plushes and junk as you say) depends on too many things to explain here, but we're all about getting you guys more Parasyte -the maxim-.
Liked by: Duelist

Can I drop some constructive criticism? About you guys' Parasyte LE. I love the box art, it's gorgeous. But the extras were super underwhelming. It felt like you guys were pushing too hard for something different. More LE's like the Nozaki set would be great, OSTs are always great extras for shows!

Keep in mind that the contents of the Collection 1/Collection 2 box sets are different for both Parasyte -the maxim- and Akame ga Kill!, so that's one thing to keep in mind.
However, thank you very much for letting us know how much you guys like the OST's. Again, we never know what you truly want until you guys are vocal about it.
Liked by: Duelist christy

when will the next season of problem children are coming from another world and is log horizon season 2 gonna be dubbed

Haven't heard about a second season of "Problem Children..." To our knowledge, there's only one season. If there will be another season, we'll find out when you do.
Also, Log Horizon Season 2 is already dubbed, and it's available for pre-order right now: http://www.sentaifilmworks.com/shows/log-horizon-2

Which site do you get more feedback on twitter or facebook?

Good question! It's easier to see feedback on Facebook (it's all in one place), but in terms of volume, we get more suggestions on Twitter. We watch them both (and Tumblr too), so it all works!

Any news or updates on infinite stratos 2 blu ray, and (my favorite) Danmachi? Maybe a collector's edition.

Paco Garza
Sorry, but we have no additional news to release about these titles at this time. We like to announce collector's editions with great fanfare, so we will only release this type of news in an official capacity on our website (www.sentaifilmworks.com/news) and social channels.

Is there any way you guys could possibly put a "marathon mode" (watching without credits, Funimation tried this on a few releases) on future releases? Having to watch the extra couple minutes of your english credits kills the vibe of the show when marathoning.

Ooh! Your suggestion has been noted. Can definitely forward this on for consideration.

Greetings from the UK, would you ever consider coming back to the UK with the Anime Network?

Joshua Hutchings
Certain Anime Network Online titles are available in the UK. Each show has different territory rights, so (for now) you have to search each show. Undefeated Bahamut Chronicle is available in the UK, for example.

So, I see Love Stage!! is finally (!) getting a Blu-ray/DVD release. But... no dub? Safe to assume no features, as well? Not even the OVA? Why no love for Love Stage? :'(

Minus Tydus
The OVA will be included in the upcoming release.

Do you have a phobia? What is it?

Roaches are pretty gross. Komugi from Nurse Witch Komugi R pretty much sums up how we feel about crawly critters with exoskeletons. While it's not a true phobia, we invite YOU to stay calm when the roach starts to fly.


Language: English