
Bean Matthias

Ask @Seanrichardm

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What is the weirdest thing you find attractive in a person?

hmm. small gestures like playing with their hair, etc.. and also their gaze...? idk how to describe it because it's such a weird thing to describe-- but like how they look when they're concentrated/talking about something they're passionate about. I'm attracted to responsive body language I guess is what I'm saying??????????? fuck idk
Liked by: Shirley

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why do you think you're douchey?

i have a short temper, and i'm starting to realize I get bitter so easily about things that shouldn't matter.

who would you like to get to know more before the year is over?

hMmmmm myself but then certainty is a wall so jk
emily, aidan, una, dom, hanna eileen, albert, akhil, amber, lhoda

what would your parents be surprised to find out about you?

they don't seem to believe that i'm a douchebag and that says a lot because i'm even more douchey to them than I am to people at school

what happened the last time you cried?

i listened to the other monologues, and as a result teared up even more
and then breathed out a sigh of relief and laughed at my tears because we just finished arguably the best play I've ever gotten to be a part of
Liked by: Asfand Yar

do you prefer plays or musicals?

To do: musicals for the performance and audience, plays for the leading up to the performance
To watch: plays.

why did you punch yourself in the balls to avoid swimming wtf

it was cold
i didn't want to be marked absent
i avoided it by hiding in the washroom
i didn't want to be caught, therefore having to lie
so for real pain and a real excuse just in case i got caught
i punched myself in the balls
you would have done the same ok

who was ur first crush?

tiffani amber thiessen (kelly kapowski from saved by the bell) omfg she is so gorgeous and i couldn't explain the feels at the time but jeez i understand them now

what's the most daring thing you've ever done?

this one time
i walked down the stairs
i jumped from the third step
to the ground
i got an adrenaline rush just from telling that story
Liked by: Jamie

what's your best relationship advice?

i hate to give you the same advice everyone else does but bE YOURSELF because then the person will like you for who you are !! I'm not good at relationships so I shouldn't be the one you ask for advice :P Be available LOL
Liked by: Jamie Edward Chen

what are the top qualities in a person who look for in a relationship?

Well, overall it depends on the person. There's not just one type of person, nor is it a strict criteria I look for.
That said, basic things I am attracted to are a sense of humour (to deal with all the shit jokes I tell), understanding sarcasm and therefore not taking everything too seriously, honesty, INDEPENDENCE, confidence, an interest in art, music and food, and friendliness-- like someone I could just hang out with and feel comfortable with. I don't wanna say friend with benefits BUT THAT'S KIND OF WHAT I MEAN JUST NOT IN THAT WAY LOLOL.
There's other things I'm attracted to, but bottom line is if I like you, then I like you.

what's your opinion of each individual on the sg exec team - miguelle, emeka, ed, marina, shirley, aj?

Miguelle - She's so sweet! but not like the kind of sweet that make your teeth cringe-- this year has made me realize what I've missed out on for the first 4 years; even when she was a part of our friend group she was one of the people I didn't really talk to. Love her!
Emeka - So fun to talk to. Not only that, but I can also talk to him about emotional things or school or pretty much anything, which is an important trait to me. Again, missed out someone who could have become one of my closer friends over the years.
Edmond - Well I've talked about him a lot, so I think you already know what I think about him. One of my best friends, super level-headed and fun. Deep, but not cheesy, sweet, humble, and hilarious.
Marina - Well I was scared she wouldn't be part of SG this year, because she's a necessary piece of SG. She's also low-key hilarious, humble, unique in so many ways, and someone who's easy to get along with (at least in my experience.) Also low-key sarcastic as hell, and it's great.
Shirley - Again, you know how I feel about mah g. Probably the fastest growing friendship I've ever had. And the best part is, it's reciprocated. I feel like with a lot of people, especially girls, I will consider them as close friends, but they simply see me as an acquaintance or a situational friend, but Shirley doesn't. I can talk to her about anything, and I feel comfortable around her.
AJ - Naive at times, but sweet. I feel really comfortable around him as well, because he's a lot of fun to talk to and is someone you can just sit down and have a talk with.

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Anything i should keep in mind as someone who wants to become closer friends with you? (Values, personality traits, etc)

Simply be true to yourself, and be open-minded about issues regarding the world, and yourself. I value deep conversations, so if you're willing to open up to me about you, that's something I respect because opening up is not an easy thing to do for some people. Honesty and loyalty: if you have that, you have nothing to worry about. Furthermore, don't worry about what I think, I'm sure you're a great person!

sure but what's your opinion of Shakespeare?

Well, first of all to all the people claiming he is overrated: I don't agree. I don't feel he is as predictable as some people will say he is either. I love, love his plays, and I always seem to build a deep connection with every play I read by him. His plays are why I'll miss theatre so much.

do you see yourself doing more film acting or stage acting in the future?

That's a really good question! I would like to say I will be doing both, but with the route I'm choosing I will most likely focus more on film acting. I would love to take some theatre courses on the side though. Wallace has made a big impact on me, so I'd like to carry on this experience. I never thought I would be so lucky to have been taught by him and been treated so well.

Thoughts on Cher?

Don't know her too well yet, but she seems really promising as an actress! she killed it in elephant's haha

why edmond?

He's level-headed, smart, wise, into art, passionate about teaching, space and politics, and he also came from a similar elementary school life and has become this stud, it's really inspirational. He isn't worried about what other people think about him, he just does him, ja feel?

when's the most recent time you've been pressured to do something you weren't comfortable doing?

drinking at the halloween party. can't get drunk around people i don't know


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