
Bean Matthias

Ask @Seanrichardm

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thoughts on edmond?

One of, if not my best of buds. He has the longest history with me aside from people I went to Ele with. He's very wise, and reassuring in a calm, quiet way, which I can relate to. We both have emerged from outcasts to leaders, and we did it together. We have been there for each other since grade 8. Most friendships came, went, and maybe came back, but our friendship never failed. It's weird. Whenever I see the dude, I feel a lot happier. He's fun, and I trust his judgement. I'm really proud of his progress as an actor as well.
At the same time, there will be moments when I will feel intimidated by him. I'll ask him a question and he'll shove it back in my face like I just asked the stupidest question, when in actuality I may have just misunderstood what he, or someone else had said or the obvious answer slipped my mind because I over-complicate things (It's very common for me). I wish he'd understand that a little more.
That said, we have many memories together. I've probably shared more memories with him than most of my other friends, give or take Josh or Martin.

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What do you consider to be your best and worst qualities?

Let's start with the worst, shall we?
Narcissistic, and ironically I don't like myself, needy, slow, pessimistic, my emotions shift really quickly and easily (so i'll be super happy and then I'll out of nowhere become really depressing to be around), fake/two-faced, I play with people's emotions, I'm a tryhard, I do things without realizing their consequences CONSTANTLY, and I'm a walking self-contradiction.
Caring, empathetic, sympathetic, easy to talk to, good listener, I can be fun to be around, very artistic in most things I do, I'm a tryhard, I'm quiet, and I don't care what other people say, in the sense that if I want to do something, I'll do it.

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Are you looking forward to Grade 12? Any goals/aspirations?

Grade 12 is scary to think about.. but the events that only grade 12s can do... sound so exciting. I've said it before and I'll say it again: It is bittersweet yo.
As for goals/aspirations, I want to become a much better dancer and singer, therefore a better performer. I want to ace academics because so far it's been hard to come by. Most of all, I want to be a much better person than I am right now, and allow myself to enjoy the last little bit of high school.

Well Do You have anyone on mind? ;)

Good question ahaha. I don't know. I guess so..but tbh people are just.. idk. It's a complicated answer. Sorry I didn't really answer your question haha. Thanks for asking though! :)

idea of the perfect date,

Hm. Idk. Wellllll.. I guess If I had unlimited time and freedom, I'd make a day out of it. It'd be an adventure outside for a bit, then at the end of the day we'd chill at one of our houses, watch some movies in the dark until we fall asleep or some shiet, eat pizza or whatever they're into. Just a fun and relaxing day. Maybe sit by the beach if it's not too sunny out, that way the beach won't be as populated and we could hang out on a nearly-empty beach! I don't like crowded beaches...

cute girls in grades 9 10 11?

graDE 9s?? do i even know any grade 9s?? lolol. see the thing about this school is that it's all filled with cute people. who am i to single them out? ;P

Are you ready to be in a relationship?

I think as much as I want to be.. I don't know. I guess it depends on the person.

Who would you like to get to know this year?

The people I'm already friends with. Like get to know them better, build a close relationship, etc.

i love sleeping with sirens now thanks to you, especially free now

OOO who is this? but I`m glad you like them because of me because I freaking love SWS :DD

People like silver ;P jokes whut? I don't smile.

LOL gooooorrrl ;D
hey you used my nickname I gave you! #soproud
psh smiles are for the weak.

like who?

People who can light up a room with their smile, people that can make me cry of laughter (literally), people who write, people who sing, have a good taste in music, etc.

What do you think you do best?

Giving gifts that don't require money, and maybe...
making people feel better when they're sad?

How's ur new year eve bro

was up and down for the first half of the night but once midnight hit, it was all good :DD had some needed deep talks juno, almost pulled an all nighter haha

2014 is comingggg sooonnn !!!!!!!

Ahh any resolutions? I have a really cool idea I heard on the Internet. Basically I'm gonna write down all the good things that happen to me on a piece of paper, put it in a hat, and then at the end of next year pull out all the papers and relive the memories!! You should do it too. It's a really nice gift to yourself and I think it'll help me appreciate the little things a lot more because it'll be an extra step to try and write down as many nice things as I can!

Was this year a good year for you?

I'm going to say yes, simply because of all the people I met this year. Best month would have to be either March or September ! :) definitely a lot of shitty stuff happened though as well. But overall a really eventful year!

woooooo royal oak to stanley park thats crazy ??? DID u guys eat dinner afterward

Ahh we did! Well a few of us did. It was an intense day yo ahaha. Thanks !

where did u go today ??

Biked from royal oak all the way to Stanley park. Took 4 hours aiyah I am dead and disappointed we didn't take any pictures


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