
Bean Matthias

Ask @Seanrichardm

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but don't you think you have to be conscious of your actions when your around someone who has ocd or else they will be pissed off

Yeah, of course. That doesn't make someone crazy though. If that's the case, then my sister is crazy. They're just very sensitive, that's all.

dont you think that people who have ocd are crazy though

I would not use the term "crazy". It's a mental illness and it's very common; about 2.2 million americans (1) are affected. It can be treated, so it does not typically have permanency. As long as they're not out there killing or hurting people, describing it as crazy is a little off-putting, and to be honest, a little ignorant.

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Who would you ask to homecoming?

Oh I'm definitely gonna publicize it on ask.fm yes i am just that smart yes
thanks for the question though LOL
If I'm answering it more generally.. a girl that I'm going to have fun with. Simple as that. Homecoming is a chance to have a lot of fun if you allow yourself to enjoy it. Regardless of whether I have a date or not, I'm going to try my best to have a great time.
And tbh, that's what all of YOU guys should be doing too. Just freaking go, okay. Most likely you're going to regret not going later on in life. YOLO. THAT IS A GENUINE YOLO. OKAY. THAT'S LIKE THE FIRST REAL YOLO I'VE USED.

what's the most awkward situation you have ever been in?

I asked someone out and they asked me "why" and I wasn't expecting that so I muttered "umm i don't know..." QQ

sry. one last question. is this gurl new

I don't mind the questions dw LOL and nope. BUT one of the new girls I met this year is really cool!

Do you prefer talking or texting?

ew I prefer skype
texting is tedious and especially on my phone my god
but talking lOl I don't kno how to talk
in all seriousness though when it's one of those awesome conversations, obviously I'd choose that over anything. You can't beat that.

How did you make your first money?

Well if you take away the honey nut cheerios commercial I did when I was 2, probably something like Jpod which was a great show but got cancelled early.

So...there are 5 people in a room and they are all blindfolded and each tied to a chair. One manages to escape but there are no doors and just one window. A security guard comes to check up on the people and all are dead and there's one missing. What happened?

The man who escaped escaped out the secret window, became a security guard and lived the american dream, and eventually decided to check up on his old friends but they all died from starvation. One is missing because he tried to find the secret window as well but this all white room was really a room of limbo and they never saw Johnny again. The rest of them just played truth or dare until they died but because it was a room of limbo, the same questions kept getting asked.
Pretty simple actually.

When is the last time you told somone you love them?

Directly - 3 months ago
Indirectly - Today
(aside from my parents and ironic use)

What habit that others have annoys you most?

Making things awkward when it's silent when it doesn't have to be
Apathy towards things people are passionate about
Not liking cats

What is your idea of paradise?

lol no
A cold winter breeze surrounds a snow-filled exterior that illuminates the skin of one held close, next to me in a warm-enough room; soft assorted music playing over the hum of the tea kettle's stirring buzz; all of this in pure vocal absence or in intervals of whispers that can only be heard by the sharpest of ears outside that very room; a crackling of a bright orange fireplace softening the blow of the cold winter breeze...
Or a hill filled with a lot of candy that wouldn't ruin my teeth or make me fat
that would be nice too


Language: English