
s a b r i n a

Ask @Sabrinaisnotonfire

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What are you interested in?

makeup, traveling, clothes, music, concerts, bonfires, watching movies, night walks, bubble baths, kittens, going to the zoo, the beach, LA, writing, taking pictures,, tumblr, cute boys, musical theater, YouTube, Capri sun, cheezits, and tea.

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If you could spend the next year living anywhere in the world, where would you go?

California. And it's cool, bc my aunt wants me to stay with her for a while in California. And I'm thinking about taking her up on the offer.

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?

lots of clothes. I need more clothes. And like a shit ton of makeup, and one of those fancy cameras so I can make cute YouTube videos like Bethany mota does

What is your idea of a great holiday or vacation?

I'm going to California this summer and I'm excited bc I'm going to San Diego warped tour and SOMEONE SAID IT WAS ON THE BEACH

Do you remember your first friend?

Yeah her name was kaitlyn and she got in my nerves a lot BC she was like 2 years older than me but she was my fav


Language: English