
s a b r i n a

Ask @Sabrinaisnotonfire

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How do you keep your confidence?

its hard to keep myself confident. Im really insecure so. And im not just saying that, like, i know I take a shit ton of selfies, but I really do not think im beautiful. There are days where i have tons of confidence and i think I look amazing, but most if the time im just like "wow this is terrible" and I hate it. Im not saying this to get attention or for any other stupid reason, im being serious. And they say that your flaws aren't as noticeable to other people as they are to you, and thats probably true. But I just find it hard to look at myself as pretty or gorgeous because there are other girls who look 1000x better than i do.

AHHAHAAHHAHAAHHA. YOU EXPLAINED YOUR BANGS. OMG I REMEMBER WHEN YOU TOLD ME AND YOU WERE LIKE "dont tell anyone. let them think i am naturally fabulous"


Doctors say im the realist cause im sufferin from realness. Got my niggas in paris and there goin gorillas.

We got Da og Kanye up in dis piece hahahahahahahahahahah

How do u do ur bangs? (Explain plz)

oh gosh. well, the only reason i have my bangs is because i got my hair stuck in a brush one night and my dad had to cut my hair out of it lololol. But to be honest i just went to youtube and searched "scene bangs" because i waS a faggot heh. and i found out that the videos didnt show me how to do it so one night i just cut my bangs and viola. There are many ways you can do it, like some people cut straight across but thats not how i did it. I just cut down, kind going in a slanted angle. And cut some pieces shorter to form layers. And I didnt use scissors, i used at razor. if you dont even have bangs youll probably want to train your hair to go to one side. and you ca do that by getting a bobby pin and pulling your hair to the side and placing the bobby pin where it will hold and that makes your hair believe its supposed to go that way. works better if your hair is wet. Having bangs was just some kind of crazy awesome accident. Its hard to explain exactly.

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Language: English