
s a b r i n a

Ask @Sabrinaisnotonfire

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that was a different tay because that wasnt me. lol

hes a fagg lololol
i seriously thought you were a different person and yeah HA

What are the three most important things for you to be happy?

the three f's.
family, friends, and food.

Hey brina,you still in love with my man? Know you had the biggest crush on him back in the day :) lmao <3 tay :)

I don think this is really taylor....

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If you were to measure your own worth in potatoes. How many potatoes would you cost?

What kind of question is this

You like fob right? Well what you favorite album? :)

Of course! I love them so much like ugh.
And Take this To Your Grave is my favorite!

Didnt you see iconic boyz last year?

We stayed in the same hotel as the boyz, and they were on the floor above us. We stayed all weekend and it was CRAZY. Like that whole hotel was filled with fangirls and it was so funny. The concert was on Friday night. It was so tiring like i thought I was going to literally die. Then Saturday was the dance class and Geo taught us one of the dances the boyz have done for some event. Texas got to learn a different dance bc we had to film a flash mob for IDW (i think, i cant remember) and It was super fun because I got to go on stage and dance with nick and it was AMAZING. After the class, we went to the M&G AND MADISON SMILED AT ME AND I ALMOST CRIED BECAUSE HE IS THE MOST PERFECT HUMAN BEING EVER. Then after we were all in the hallway and Nick tried to shoot me with his nerd gun. It was most likely the best weekend of my life. Besides the fact that i had to walk through the cold ass hotel lobby in a bathing suit with no towel and my mascara and eyeliner was running AND I JUST SO HAPPENED TO RUN INTO THE BOYZ AS I WAS GOING TO THE ROOM. SO THEY SAW ME IN MY RATCHET STATE AND THAT WAS SO EMBARASSING. anyway, You better believe if they come back i'll be the FIRST damn one to get VIP tickets because i miss them so much. This was long sorry sorry sorry

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What is your favorite old movie?

And I finally watched The Breakfast Club, and it is p e r f e c t

What was your first big disappointment?

Oh wow...
Uhm, well.
To be honest, probably last October...? I think it was October.
I was supposed to go to see Sleeping with Sirens and Pierce the Veil with Moriah In Dallas.
My mom had said That i could go and it'd be fine and then my grandma said it wasn't a good idea and all this other shit.
I was so upset like i wanted to go so bad.

What was the last concert you went to?

Hehheheheehehehe Vela Nora! But thats because my aunt went and she works with the guy and yeah.
But the last concert i went to was Hawthorne Heights, One soul, first turn, The raven Charter, riffe, and i think thats all who was there but I can't remember it was back in February.

What do you do before school starts at waskom

Well, I have first period at the highschool, so I go there in the morning and I usually get there around 7:30-7:40. So we just hang out in the gym or the cafeteria until the bell rings. We used to sit out in the ag building but they said its "risky" to be out there without a teacher supervising. Which is literally so gay because the doors automatically lock so no one can get in. Waskom is so dumb and it makes me sick lol

do you like take swift or Avril Lavigne better

Lol Taylor swift or Avril?
This isn't even a valid question.
Avril all the way, Taylor swift sucks.

Why is your username t-esser4ct

Bc when my other account got hacked, I made a new one and I was watching the avengers with my dad and the thing in there is called the Tesseract. And I love the avengers so I made it my username. But I had to change it a little bc the Regular name was already taken by some dude who saved the URL AND WASNT EVEN USING IT UGH


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