
s a b r i n a

Ask @Sabrinaisnotonfire

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why didnt you put up your wcw

bc i have no way to get on instagram until tomorrow.
but my wcw was gonna be ariana grande again bc perfection

did you see who jesses wcw was? :O

dude wtf why are you telling me about jesse gO TO CHEYENNES PAGE LMFAO

why do you want to leave everyone here tho

i dont, but this town is so washed up.
i hate it here.

are you leaving for california this summer?

I was, but my aunt is going to Hawaii for a late honeymoon so itll be next year.

u hav to many pimples

cant help it.
i try to hide them.
its mostly scars so...
thanks for bringing me down.

if you need me im here for you :)

thanks but no thanks.
i dont want you to feel bad for me.
its over now, i can only move forward.
time to move on.


thats what it seems like..
i was dumb. I'll fall for anything.
i guess it never really mattered.


Language: English