
s a b r i n a

Ask @Sabrinaisnotonfire

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If you were to give someone a tour of your hometown, where would you take them first?

Somewhere else bc waskom is gay.

Do you believe in aliens?

I thoroughly believe that there is life other than things on Earth. I believe that there are planets in other galaxies that hold the same things our galaxies does. Including life. EXTRA TERRESTRIALS FOR THE WINNN

What's the perfect place for a first date?

Ooooh boy.
Ok perfect first date... Probably something corny like a picnic or just laying under the stars at like midnight on a trampoline or something sweet like that. Sharing one milkshake with two straws. Going to a concert. Going to the beachhhhh. Cute, corny, cliche things. Stuff that happens in movies. That's perfect.

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What are your 5 most favorite Websites?

Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, anddddd YouTube.

What is the very last thing you do before you settle in to fall asleep at night?

I turn on Ed Sheeran and think about alot of things.

Y r u such an amazing and beautiful girl!! U r a role model for me!!! U make my day brighter!! In the end everything will be good, so if it's not good… it's not the end!! Don't let people bring u down!! Just hope they relize tht u are the amazing and beautiful girl you r!! I'm dakota and I'm a boy

Thank you for making me smile. :'))

Language: English