
ruth ang ❀

Ask @rutheuniceang

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What motivates you?

Knowin that I can make a difference by reaching out to others so they would draw closer to God and continually fall more deeply in love with Him :)

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How to know if you are a good person?

You'll find out by observing a person really well when they think no one is looking at them.

If you could have lunch with 5 people dead or alive who would it be?

Jesus and my bestfriends :)

What made your day today?

Getting over someone that is running from one girl to the other, being able to see clearly, having God give me the strength to move on, and being able to have a best friend that is always there for me :)

Who is the one person that you can always trust?

Tough question. I would say God, but if you meant a human being then my best friend, Courtney Posey, but she moved schools :( Other than those two, Allison Genova would be the answer to this question. (Sorry for the long answer haha).

Are you the active voice, because your last name could translate into 'the' depending on the circumstances in the language of the river people...

Oh my goodness. To be honest, I don't know how to answer this question lol. I mean my last name does translate to the word 'the', but river people.. Haha. Well, if you meant active voice as in the person who does the action, I guess I am in a way. I'm sometimes shy that's why so it depends.

What do you think about more than anything else?

Right now, it's about someone, but mostly about how to serve God and be an godly example every day :)

When was the last time you screamed?

I screamed my heart out at Disneyland when we rode the moving Ferris wheel..

What is your most unusual nighttime or morning ritual?

Uhh.. I don't know if praying and reading the Bible is considered as that.


Language: English